I don’t know what is going on

Hey S*G thanks for the make over. I love it! Wish I could do something like it, but oh well it’s nicer to have someone else to it for you, instead of doing it yourself. 🙂 Thanks again S*G!

Well now on to the entry… Things aren’t going all that well with Josh. I don’t know what it is he wants from me. We haven’t been talking much, and when we do he doesn’t say a hell of a lot.

I keep thinking different things like, He doesn’t love me anymore, He doesn’t “want” me anymore, he has found someone else, He is cheating on me, just a lot of things and I don’t know what to do. I don’t like thinking these thoughts, but he wont talk to me.

Hell we haven’t even had sex. I have try starting it with him, but he just sits there, or he says he doesnt’ feel like it, or something. Shit I even went out and got this nice little thong that had a bra where my nipples show and a robe that you could see it all through. I was wearing it one day when he came home from work…. I was laying down on the bed waiting for him to come in, and when he did he looked at me and then went in the shower.

I didn’t think anything of that, he just wanted to be clean… ok I can live with that. As he was in the shower I looked at the time to see how long he was in, he was in there for 10 mins, he takes a 15 mins shower so, I started to touch my breast getting my nipples nice and hard, then I moved my hand down on me rubbing the moist spot on my trong.

Trying not to get to much in it till he came out, but I did…. I moves my hand over my lips and then back up, I was starting to put my hand down my trong when Josh came out of the bathroom. I hear him but I didn’t stop or look at him. I wanted him to watch a little and coem to me, he watched a little as I moved my finger inside me and my other hand moved down and on my clit. I was moaning and wanting him so much…..

As I was moan he started coming over to me, running his hand on my leg, going closer and closer to my pussy, then he stoped. God I wanted him to keep moving his hand, but he kissed me and put his head on my pussy and said…”God, What I would do, only if I had the time.” I took my hand out and sat up and said “WHAT?”

Come to find out him and a couple of the boys where giong out to a movie. I got out of bed took off my clothes and throw them at him and said “Fine go, but don’t ever think I will wear this again, or anything for you.” I was pissed…. That night I locked the door on him and he couldn’t come in and he was begging me, he wanted me so bad he said… Oh well, not bad enough to stay home and fuck the shit out of me when I wanted it.

I don’t think will are going to make it. It’s not that sex if all I want and need, but I want him to talk to me, to look at me like he wants to, like he wants me, I want to feel his touch, feel his lips on mine, look in his eyes and see the smile I once saw there. I want the man I fell in love with bad. I want my Joshie back! Is that to much to ask?

Want Some Sexual`Pleasures

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RYN: Thanks for your note. I enjoy women who are open and want to experiment. Reading your entry I can tell that you enjoy teasing and showing off. That is a BIG plus with me.

boys are so clueless. 🙂