A teasing night

Oh I know I’m very bad for not keeping this updated, and I am sorry about that, though I can’t be to sorry for the fact that I have been busy and I don’t think about this. Like I ever really did I know, but heck I still come back here once in a while, so don’t hurt me, well if you are going to hurt me make sure its the pleasure kind of hurt ok? 😀

I know it has been to long to really say what happened about that night from my last entry, though I guess I can say a little on it just in case someone really wants to know.

The teasing went better then we both thought, the best part of it was that we didn’t just go to a club, we went out and saw a movie as well I don’t remember what movie been to long, plus I kind of wasn’t watching it to much. When me and my roommate found out we were going to a movie before we went to a club we had to have a little meeting to plan a bit out with each other… once that was done boy did the guys have a look on there face. I have to say it was priceless!  Ok, since I normally go in to some kind of detail when I write I will this time as well, not like I will forget that night any time soon, it was after all one of the best nights of our lives! 😀

Before we got to the movies we kind of teased them when they picked us up and just a very little why we were in the car, I couldn’t do much cos my guy was driving, then we got to the movies…The guys got us both some drinks, that was the only thing we wanted, we made sure that we weren’t to close to the screen, one because I don’t like sitting to close and two we didn’t want to many people around us, lucky not many people went and saw that movie. Me and my roommate made sure that we sat side by side, other wise are little plan wasn’t going to work. So my guy got in first then me and so on. The guys was looking at us kind of weird cos we were whispering to one another, so my guy asked what we were talking about, we didn’t ask him really, so that made them wonder even more.

Once the movie was starting we stopped talking and watched a little of the movie, we didn’t do any of what we had planed first we just kind of moved our hands on their legs and cuddled a bit. I was the one who had to let her know when to start by moving over to her more, I did that and she came over to me, I was to ask like I was whispering in her ear, but I wasn’t, I was really nibbling and sucking on her ear, then I moved down to the side of her neck, once I got to her neck she moved her hand on to my lap and made a soft moan, this got her guy looking over. I don’t know how his face was cos I couldn’t see but I did hear him ask what was wrong, my roommate said nothing was. I stopped what I was doing and looked over to my guy to see if he saw what was going on, nope he didn’t, so my roommate grabs my leg a little and I look and see that her guy wasn’t watching us again, so she comes over to me and starts to lick and bite my ear and neck why we hand moves a little farther up my leg. We both had on skirts to make it easy for us.  As she was doing this to me I grab the arm of my seat, but what I didn’t know was my guys hand was on it, so he looks over to ask what was wrong, but kind of lets out a breath instead.

When I hear him I look over at him, He is looking at me and then he looks down at my lap then back at me, his eyes are wide and I just smile at him. I take the hand that is not grabbing him and bring down to my roommates hand to bring it up under my skirt, letting her know that we have been caught, this is something we said we would do once we knew for sure they knew what we were doing. She brings her hand up under my skirt slowly, my guys eyes look down and he grabs the arm of the chair. I couldn’t help but smile. I open my legs for her and moan out softly as I feel her hand rub my lovely wet pussy. I bring my hand over on to her leg and start to move slowly up her leg then under her skirt, she opens her legs, and as she does she makes sure she bumps her guys leg so he will look over and see what we are doing. I had to look over to make sure, though as I turned to look I moaned out from feeling her finger slide up on me, hitting my clit through my panties, this gets her guy to really start looking, I see him look over at my guy with a look that is asking, "What? Is this for real?" I just smile and start to bring my hand the same places my roommate placed hers.

Now that my head is turned to my roommates she brings her head up and I lend over to her and place my lips on hers, we open our mouths slowly as we take in each others tongues. The deeper we kiss them more our hands get to where they want to go, we start to finger each other as we keep kissing, my guy lends over and starts to kiss the back of my neck, and I believe her guy tried to do something, cos as I was pushing my guy away she was doing the same. I stop the kiss and remove my hand from her, but she keeps her hand where it is, I tried not to moan out to load so others don’t come over to watch, I look over at my guy and say in a half whisper half moan that they can’t touch… He sits back and looks at me, I just smile…. I put my leg that is closer to him up and over the arm of the chair and it goes over on to his leg as well, I know he wants to place his hand on my leg but i just shake my head no at him as I moan out from my roommate starting to move her finger more on me.Her guy wants to do things as well, but I let him know he can’t as well.

My guy I know tried to rub himself why he is watching this, but I take his hand away, my roommate looks at her guy off and on to make sure he isn’t doing anything as well. We didn’t want them to cum, they were being teased tonight. 😀 I know I’m evil. Once I have came I start on her, but before I do that I tell my guy that is better be good, or he won’t be able to cum at all for at least a  week with me being there or not. Me and him have been doing some things, mostly playing with our selves in front of each other, and once in awhile helping each other out, but we didn’t want to just go all the way again before we knew more about each other.  He said ok, but what he doesn’t know is that he was going to cum no matter what that night, but can’t let him know that, now can I? 🙂

Since I was done, I started on my roommate, but I changed it up from what we planned, I thought it would be better and more fun, so I closed her legs kissed her on the lips and went in front of her, she smiled as I started to bring down her panties. I opened her legs up again and moved her skirt up a little bit just enough for me to get my head close enough but not enough for them to see her wet pussy. I started to eat her out, slowly moving my tongue up and down on her clit, as I got faster with my tongue on her clit I placed a finger inside of her, as far as I could get it in, she started to moan out kind of more then she should have, so I looked up at her, my finger still inside of her, then I looked at her guy then back at her, she knew what I meant so she took his head in her hands and kissed him deep, once she did that I started back licking her clit. I had to hold her legsin place so that I could keep going till she came. She sat there for a few, then moved her face closer to me, smiled at me as she licked my lips to get some of her juice off of me. She asked her guy if he wanted to taste, so he came down to me and licked and sucked the rest off my lips… I got back in my chair and kissed my guy so he wouldn’t be left out with the tasting of her juice. 

Though as me and him kissed he places my hand on his dick and it was rock hard god did I want to just take him right there, but I didn’t. We finished the rest of the movie, not knowing a damn thing about it, then we went to the club…. Now that will have to be another post, if you all want me to finish this little story of mine. 🙂 Enjoy!

Want Some…. Sexual`Pleasures

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March 8, 2007

You better finish this up missy! I want to know more more more! 🙂 Damn I wish I was there, though I don’t know if I would have let you do that to be, but boy would I have loved to tease the hell out of them! you naughty girl you!

March 8, 2007

me not be… lol

March 22, 2007

mmm…keep going i want to know the rest…. i wish i was your roommate 😉 lucky girl…

April 7, 2007

::*::HAPPY EASTER ::*:: take care of you beautiful ::*::AsiminA::*::

March 21, 2008

well its damn nice you having fun again, and getting some 😉 so finish the story and keep them coming!

May 24, 2008

Amazing story.

September 17, 2008

Ok you leave me notes on both of my OD’s, but you don’t even update! Come on girl, get your ass together! :-p

September 17, 2008

What are you talking about? You really need to update so I know more about what is going on.