
I need to start updating this thing, but it seem that I don’t have much time to write, or I just don’t have anything to say. I wanted to start trying to write stories again, but everytime I try something happens so I can never start one. I am going to try and start one and see if I can get it done with out anything happening. I still haven’t finished by one story. I’m not sure if I will or not. It wasn’t that good anyway, it didn’t come out like I thought it would.

Not much to really talk about, I still don’t have anyone in my life, and right now I don’t want anyone. I just want to have time to myself and have some fun in my life. The only bad thing is I haven’t had the fun I want to have in a while. There are a few guys who want to get me in bed, but I don’t want them. They aren’t really in to what I am in to. I take that back, there is one that likes the same things I do, so maybe we can see what will happen.

Josh is being an a-hole now. Acting as though he is better then everyone, telling me how he loves me, but then turning around and saying how he doesn’t know why he ever was with me. I don’t get him, I told him to go fuck himself. I don’t need his crap, it’s not like I want him in my life anyway. At one time I thought maybe we could work things out and be ok, but now I know that will never happen and I don’t want it to happen anyway.  I still care for him, and I may always care for him, but I don’t want him in my life.

Well I need to get going. I will write again soon.

Want Some Sexual Pleasures

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December 8, 2004

I hear you about writing. It’s so hard to be motivated. It seems like all us old-timer FOD-ers are whittling away our time with some other vice these days. Rough.