
Wow I am writing in here once again… now that is something you don’t see to much anymore I know. But I thought why not, I’m on here so may as well write something in here once again for you all to read.

I have to say that me and that guy have been talking alot lately, and I love it! I am getting to know so much about him and come to find out we have alot of things that go well together. I can’t say we agree on everything, but who wants that anyway, need some spice in your life. Though when it comes to in the bedroom we do agree on, we haven’t done really done anything, just kind of messed around a bit with some foreplay, but that as OOOO SO GOOD! 

Both of us think that it wouldn’t be right if we just jumped in bed, like we both want to do, and not get to know either other, but what he doesn’t know is that me and my roommate are going to take him and his roommate out for a night of fun, and I don’t just mean fun as in laughs, that will be there as well, but what we have planned has some fun in the bed as well.

My roommate likes his roommate and his roommate likes my roommate though isn’t sure how to go about asking her out or anything and I told this to my roommate we came up with a plan. We all go out for a night on the town and have some fun, though why we are out about me and her will be teasing them all night long. Not big teasing, just little teasing, cos we don’t want to give anything away and I haven’t been teasing him to big only little so that’s why I don’t want to tease to much. How are we going to tease you ask? Well this is how….

We don’t have where we are going all planned out, but that don’t matter, what we plan on doing is, nibbling there ear, whispering little things in there ear to get them kind of in the mood, but not to turned on at first… then we are going to bite there necks as the night moves on, touching them different ways that we know they like, even if we don’t know we will find out, plus we are going to be teasing them with words like how we like something this way or that way, and how we like when someone does this or that to us. helping them out with what we like and getting an idea about what they like more as well.

We are even going to turn it around, what I mean by this is, I know how my roommate likes things, so I will tell some things that she likes and she will do the same about things I like, and we are going to tell them how we made each other make this kind of noise and that kind, though we won’t tell them how we did. As the night moves on we are hoping that just with that little bit of teasing all night long will get them more turned on over time that they can’t take it. Then once we are about to get going, up and leave and see what they do or ask. Depending on what they said to what we tell them back…. though in the end we are still going to end up having the fun in the bedroom, just they won’t know it till the very end of the night. 🙂

I love being a tease!!!!! I hope you all have some fun either tonight, tomorrow, or sometime soon!

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November 22, 2006

I can believe your sore…lol I did talk to him but not about whats going on, he just wanted to know how I was and all, I emailed him though I will let you know all of it later on either in email or when we talk. S*G

November 22, 2006

OH BTW I will read this when I have time, need to get off now. Take care! S*G

November 27, 2006

take care of you beautiful ::*::AsiminA::*::

December 22, 2006

You need to update on what happened!!! I want to know how it all went and I haven’t talked to you yet to find out so UPDATE!!!