Women’s Pet Peeves

Ok I put up a post about the guys so I shall put one up about the ladies as well. It’s only fair and right that I do, don’t you all think? I’m so glad that we agree on this, and even if we didn’t this is my OD so I have last and finale say so .

So we had Guy’s Perfect Would Would and now we have Women’s Pet Peeves. So ladies, why don’t you tell us if these are true or not, and if there are any others that aren’t up here why not post some so the guys can know them.

Maybe out of these two posts we can learn alot about each other, so maybe the guys and girls can be happier, ya think? I hope so. 🙂 Here we go!

Women’s Pet Peeves
Men who whistle at her while she’s walking down the street.
When she has a big day at work and her lover forgets to ask how it went.
When her boyfriend buys her a shirt that’s clearly the wrong size.
When her mother-in-law snaps at her.
When a hairdresser gives her a bad stlye.
When someone obviously re-gifts.
When people RSVP yes but then don’t show up.
When a guy doesn’t wash his hair.
Guys who think they can just say "I’m sorry," and everything will be OK.
Guys who think flowers are the perfect gift for any occasion.
People who don’t send thank-you notes.
Co-workers who don’t ask questions about her wacation or holiday.
Shoes that hurt to walk in.
Women who wear short shirts that expose their bellies.
Guys in the gym who stare at her chest while she runs on the treadmill.
Men who assume all women want to get marries and have babies.
Girls who hate other girls.
Guys who wait too long to call her back.
When her husband stays out with his buddies untill 3 a.m. without calling her.
When someone says something negative about her siblings.
When her guy doesn’t get her a Valentine’s Day gift, even if she said she didn’t want to celebrate it.
Eating without a plate.
Eating in bed.
Disliking her cat.
When a guy talks too much about an ex.
When her boyfriend spends a lot of money on gadgets.
When her guy plays video games all night.
WHen her man rolls his eyes after she says something, no matter how silly it was.
When someone tells her to shut up.
When she makes dinner for someone, and he doesn’t say thanks.
When she gies her man a massage, and he says he’s too relaxed to give her one.
When a boyfriend complains about meeting her parents.
When her guy won’t watch her favorite TV shows with her on occasion.
When he refuses to rent a movie she’s dying to see.
WHen her lover suggests in any way, shape or form that she should lose a few pounds.
When her date raises his eyebrows when she orders a dessert.
When someone says something negative about odese people.
When someone says a woman should never be president.
When a guy says that it’s just part of a man’s biology to have an affair.
When a lover says he never wants to get married.
When the women’s line is longer then the men’s line.
Men who get paid more then women for the same job.
Male bosses who make sexual jokes.
A guy who just doesn’t get the hint that she’s not interested.
Co-workers who dress too sexily for the office.
Relatives who ask, "When are you getting married?".
Relatives who ask, "When are you going to have a baby?".
When her mom says something negative about her lifestyle.
When a saleslady asks, "How many months are you?" even if she’s not pregnant.
Men who stare at her chest.

Now I can say some of these are true, and some of them are mine, though I’m not that big at being to mad/upset/annoyed or what ever by them. Though I have to say some of them after some time if they keep happening I will get kind of annoyed by them to much where I will say something.


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January 10, 2006

Guys who think they can just say “I’m sorry,” and everything will be OK….That’s So true!!!! Women who wear short shirts that expose their bellies…That is one of my biggest pet peeves.

January 10, 2006

sometimes it seems just like ,your man is breathing, is enough to piss off women.

January 10, 2006

Just wanted to say that your diary is great. While I’m half of what is not the most sexually active couple in the world, I have taken your advice once or twice. You’re great. thanks for being so patient with those of us who are painfully innocent. ^^; God Bless,

January 10, 2006

Ryn: Problem diagnosed.

January 10, 2006

Weird how hardly any of these apply to me.

I agree with Willow. Gifts for Valentine’s Day (or any other day) shouldn’t be expected if you say you don’t want them, plus if you’re in a relationship for more than materialistic/sexual reasons neither will be absolutely required. So what if a line is a little too long, or a partner doesn’t always want to do something right after you do it?

Sometimes things are the way they are, deal with it. Relationships are about give and take. Not always wanting something in return is a good virtue. I’m not trying to say this in a mean manner, but it seems you are a bit selfish in what you expect. Though I view you this way, I do believe your diary is helpful and serves a good purpose on OD for those who are unknowing/inexperienced.

most of these have nothing to do with me, but one i would add is guys who chew with their mouth open and making a smacking sound lol

well, im a guy, n i’ve noticed that a lot of these things r pet peeves for me 2 (except for the ones that are obviously geared towards women)… & the “guy’s perfect world” thing, although funni, isn’t true at all! in my opinion, if anythin pisses u off, dont do it 2 us either 🙁 just cuz we’re guys doesn’t mean we like it wen a girl duzn’t call or doesn’t massage us back or w/e 🙁 (this isn’t a

hit on ur diary btw… i love it 🙂 thanks for all the advice!…. this is jus an opinion 🙂