What I lovely Life I have….NOT!

The world seems to be going to crap. So many people are looking for jobs (like me) and can’t even found one, and why that is going on so many people are losing their jobs they do have because the people they are working for can’t paid for as many people as they have so they let people go. There may be more reasons why people are losing their jobs, but whatever it is it’s not helping anyone out and not helping me to see how I can get work right now.


It’s not a good thing not having a job then having your aunt tell you to get out. Now I know she doesn’t want me here, her and her son told me this more than once now and well I don’t want to be here myself, but can’t help that now. Well I could always see about staying with my brother now, but he can’t have animals and I have cats… and to have them stay here with my aunt, ummm no I don’t think so. She hates my cats, because they are mine.



I have a lovely aunt don’t you think? All she likes to do is bitch and complain, if she’s not doing that then she’s not happy, but yet she’s not happy when she is bitching and complaining about something as well it seems like, but she can’t be a human being and just stop it. She has always been like this as far as I remember, heck when we were kids me and my brothers called her the dragon lady. She found that out once we were older and she said that hurt her when she heard that. It may have, but it didn’t help her to change her ways about being one.


I love my aunt don’t get me wrong, but I can’t live with her and if she keeps going the way she is going then once I leave here she won’t have to worry about ever seeing me again. Though I don’t think she would care if she did or not, after all she doesn’t want me here now, why would she want to see me once I am gone?


Oh and to top everything else off, I haven’t heard from 2 of my best friends online, in way to long.  I emailed both of them one send me something back on myspace, not a lot but something but the other nothing. Though the one who sent me something on myspace sent it a while ago and nothing since then. I know he is ok because I see that he has been on myspace, just hasn’t sent me anything. The pain! I think I am going to email them everyday till I get something back. Cos I am worrying my head off about them, well mostly the one who I haven’t heard anything from.


I think I shall shut up now and go find something to do. Hope everyone is doing well and all.


Before you ask your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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February 8, 2009


February 8, 2009

Sweetie I am so sorry ya going through hell. It’s not fair for ya to be with people who don’t appreciate ya at all. One day ya aunt will know what she could’ve had in her life. I’ll say prayers that things go better for ya hun. Biggest Hugs~

sorry to hear that things are tough right now. that really blows.

ryn: b/w all the people who said they do want to strap it on and all the people who said they want to watch, i think there would be quite a crowd. lol

February 9, 2009

well, that sounds like what I should’ve done instead of asking people on here. I should’ve looked on Wikipedia instead of asking. Eh. So be it.

February 9, 2009

I want to test that sex goddess theory, do you have a photo online? please don’t say it’s on Myspace.

February 9, 2009

what made you stop wondering>

February 10, 2009

what made you stop wondering? Were you with one? One word answer will do fine.