Wet Dreams

I am a once sexually active male of age 23, but I was thinking about it while reading “The Complete Idiots Guide to Sex” and I have never have a wet dream. Is that normal? [socrates1999]

Everyone is different,Some people have them, other’s don’t. It is normal not to get them, most guys get them when they start pubery or soon thereafter. (usually around 12-14) Some get them even as adults, and some never get them.

How often this happens depends, but it’s usually not often — if at all — if/when boys regularly masturbate. Masturbation releases the semen that would otherwise “build up.” If you don’t masturbate then you can have wet dreams (ejaculating when you’re asleep) it is the body’s way of releasing “built-up” semen.

Guys aren’t the only ones that get them either, females can ahve them as well. I know I put more then you asked, but I thought i would do it this way that way people will know more about wet dreams. 🙂 Hope this helps. Take Care!


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