Wanted to know about Supid cam people,Here you go!

Well it seems a few people wanted to know what these people did on cam, good and bad, so I thought that I would let you know what I remember of them.

 One was this guy who looks to be in his 20’s (not bad looking I have to say) but not knowing what he was doing. Before he did anything he said (mine you this is not word for word) "Sara, you wanted to see me, well I am going to show you all of me." After that he started dancing. There is nothing wrong with showing yourself off by dancing to music, but if you are going to do it that way, don’t break dance, that’s not sexy! Also if you say you are going to show off what you got, SHOW IT! Don’t just dance the whole time and only let her see your stomach

 As for girls… now if you are going to try and be sexy for your man, do it right! Try looking at yourself in a mirror before you even think about letting him see you.

 This other one goes with what I just put ^^ Now I have never gave any of my bf’s a strip show, but I at least know how to give one! This girl started out keep good, though she did laugh a few times, and I can’t say anything about that because I, myself may do that, but I can and will say something about how she tried to make her lips and eyes look like she was being sexy and wanted him to know she wanted him, but what it looked like was a blow fish who was blind or thinking it was blind. Though out this whole thing she didn’t get any better, her face never changed, she almost fell a few times over her own feet by just doing from side to side. I don’t know how guys would handle something like this, but I couldn’t help but laugh. Sorry if this has happen to you. 😀

 There were a few that had people doing just stupid things just to be on cam, like knowing they never did this but wanting to do it for cam, they would ride a bike up a ramp to jump over a car, but stupid them didn’t get any where near going over it. You even have people who try and make a movie out of nothing and man is it cheesing as hell, but funny because they are dumb enough to do it.

 It would have been better if I didn’t delete them and posted some of the “good” ones up here for you to see what I mean, but sorry to say I don’t have them anymore. But I still am going to say people can be stupid on cam…lol Heck don’t even have to be on cam to be dumb enough to do some things. 🙂





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September 18, 2008

^^ Bravery abounds progressively with unsigned notes! ^^

September 18, 2008

Offensive?? lol Now what is offensive about an advice diary??? Ooooh wait it’s about sex and that is offensive right? If you want to report me go ahead I can’t stop you, but don’t be a chicken and leave an unsigned note! Thought(It would be kind of stupid after 6 or so years of being on OD to up and delete me over one reporting) S*G

September 18, 2008

What is it with people on here today? No life is what it is !!! STUPID PEOPLE !!!

September 18, 2008

I think ya no name noter is one of the videos ya watched and just chatted about! Maybe he’s the the girl dancer (In drag) lol I hope ya laughed over him calling ya a wanker.Did he watch too much of the movie Tango and Cash? rofl. Big Hugs~

September 18, 2008

RYN: Ya should do it honestly ya would feel so much better. I know it helped me release some of my frustrations. Hope ya day is a good one~Hugs~

September 29, 2008

Some of the things I have seen people do on cam is funny, heck some things people will do on cam if you ask them! hehe