Vaginal Dryness

I recently had a baby and my vagina was really dry while I was breastfeeding and then it was normal when I stopped. My milk never completly dried up and now it’s starting to come back in since my boyfriend sucked on my nipples and my vagina is so dry that it’s hard for us to have sex. What can I do about the vaginal dryness while I’m waiting for my milk to dry up again?

The only thing I can think of to help you is to use lube till your milk drys up again. That’s about the only things I can think of to tell you really. I have some posts up of different kinds of lude you can check out, or you can just go to the store and fine some that way. Untill your vagianl dryness goes away Lube is your best bet to use. I”m not sure about any other way to make it so you aren’t as dry. Hope this helps. Take Care!


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October 28, 2004

Lube it up sistah
