The Three Game

 Sorry I didn’t do this when I said I would, but kind of lost lights here for a few days and I couldn’t get online, plus I have been helping my sister move out of her place so haven’t had time like I thought I would, but anyway here it is.

1. Three secrets:

Oh hell! This one is not easy, because even though people I know don’t come here don’t mean much, they are still secrets! Well I am not going to use names so here we go….

1.  I know someone who envies someone in his/her family, but will never tell them.

2. A has slept with R who is married… but before R ws married just R’s wife doesn’t know about it.

3. I would so sleep will… ummm someone… not saying names…:D

That wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be to do. lol

2. Three most meaningful (not nec. favorite) song lyrics:

1. Love of a Lifetime by FireHouse

2. By Heart By Soul by Avalon

3. In Perfect Harmony By Within Temptation

The song and lyrics of these have meaning to me.

3. Three symbols of your life:

1. Poetry – Helps me to get things out.

2. Friends – That says enough.

3. Heart – Without it I will be wrose off then I am.
(To All My Favorites/Readers…)

1.) Ask me something now that you thought you couldn’t before… anything your heart wishes!

2.) Tell me your favorite thing about me.

3.) Tell me your least favorite thing about me.

I’m Tagging:

Hmmm I have more readers that come here then I do faves. Most of my faves don’t come to this OD…but here are 3 that I know come here.

1. Sexual`Pleasures
2. Shhhh I Won’t Tell
3. File Folder

Now if they do this tag is another story. lol


Before you ask your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide


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October 26, 2008

Awesome job! Now for the question….lol What modd are ya in when ya write ya poetry? What subject is most of ya poetry writtings on? Hope ya enjoying ya weekend.Thanks for doing the tag! Big Hugs~

1) If you had to change anything in your life, what would it be? 2) I love that you actually help people! 3) I haven’t found anything I don’t like about you yet.