Sometimes I wonder why I love her!

Here is the post I said I would do. Though not like I have anything good to really say. Even since my sister and her kids moved in I have been wanting to just hang my aunt or something along those lines that I shouldn’t be thinking about doing let alone doing for real. It’s just hard not to when she is being the biggest bitch in the world anymore. Now I know how she is when it comes to bitching about anything and everything, she has always done that, but now she just snaps at anything I say to her. Not as in yelling at me, but just the way she says it and her voice as she says it. 

She even is bitching about the kids. Saying shit that’s not even right, but she knows all and is always right so god forbid you tell her she is wrong she won’t hear it! The kids are just getting sick of her and I can’t blame them because I am as well. It seems they can’t do anything right in her eyes, but yet they do more then her own son does but they don’t do anything, why her son sits up in her room watching TV all day long and does nothing at all, but he’s a good boy, he can’t do things because of his shoulder and just because he can’t do everything everyone else can.

(Just so you know who doesn’t know, he’s retarded, but not like Sue makes it out to be. He can do more then she is willing to see or say. But because of how he is, he can get away with more shit then anyone else, and I’m sorry that’s wrong in my eyes, he shouldn’t be able to be a lazy SOB and get away with it.)

So he gets away with being lazy why we all have to do something or she will get pissed off. She did to be the other day. Long story short… I asked about leaving the door open, wasn’t sure, Lynn didn’t know, so I go to close it, Sue comes out of the kitchen with something for the trash can, so I open it again, she comes back in and asked me "What I can’t have the door open, It’s hot in here"  I’m like I never said that or anything like that. She says something and I say I’m not saying anything, I start to walk away but don’t go in my room I ask her what is wrong with her. That ever since Lynn and them moved in she has been a pain, ( though I wanted and came close to saying Bitch). I piss her off by asking that and she says "nothing" (yea right!) I call her on that, and she asks if I want a list of what is wrong, and I say Yes, give me it… I know she can’t… she doesn’t cos I  say that I haven’t done anything sicne Lynn and them got here for her to be like this to me, she makes it out like that is why she is being a bitch. I guess I haven’t done enough around the house or something that is making her be like this… I’m like whatever!

I don’t think it’s even that really. Lynn and Shawn do everything right, but the kids and me don’t… Well she can just kiss my ass because the more she acts like this the farther away I am going to get from her because I am sick of fighting and yelling, I have done it enough in my yell growing up don’t want to now. So I hold my tongue, but sometimes it’s just not that easy to and sometimes I think if she pushes me to much I will end up hitting her ass and knoting her out.

Ok I am going to shut up now, Need to go get something to eat, haven’t had anything to eat yet today. Take care everyone!


Before you ask your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide


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November 29, 2008

trust me, your chest isn’t the only reason

November 29, 2008

no, you don’t raise questions in my head. Nothing I couldn’t find out for myself. Anyway.

November 29, 2008

wait a minute, THERE’S A HER??!?! Actually, I shouldn’t ask that. It’s not my business. Sorry, I’m a freak by nature. i need a good nookie.

November 29, 2008

fine, I need some good —–. Yeah, sometimes I wonder why I was cursed like this. I need some ass, I really do. It’s terrible.

November 29, 2008

Sorry about asking how big your chest is. But it’s like the saying goes: ‘if you’ve got it, flaunt it.

November 29, 2008

Sounds like a lot of hassle to me to be honest with you 🙁 I hope it all sorts out one way or another xxx

November 29, 2008


November 30, 2008

You know ‘sexual meanderings’? Cool! So do I! I don’t think I met her through you hut sometimes I don’t even know how I make some of the friends I make. I’m honestly not even sure how you’re my friend – I just started talking to yu one day. I hope this doesn’t make you mad or anything, I’m not saying I don’t want to be your friend I’m just saying ………. (next)

November 30, 2008

that I had a brain tumor removed and two other non-related operations on my brain so memory doesn’t come as easy to me as it does to others.

December 11, 2008

Just wanted ya to know I was thinking of ya. Hope all is well hun. Hugs~

December 19, 2008

Thinking of ya hun. Hope ya having a great weekend. Big Hugs~