Someone new.

Hi, I’m Angel, I used to have a diary on here call AngelFireHawk, but I no longer have it because I lost it when OD got hacked that last time, and I never got one back.. I don’t know if any of you ever went there, but I’m sure some will know my name from notes I have left on this OD. If not that’s ok… anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that Sex*Goddess is sorry that she hasn’t gotten to your questions, but she isn’t doing that great. 

I don’t mean as in her health, in that way she is good, it’s more on the lines of how she is feeling inside, she is more depressed then anything, I’m not going to go in to detail about it that is for her to do if she wishes, but I thought I would help her out and you guys with answering what questions she has here to answer. So till she is doing better to answer them I will try my best to help you all out, I may not get to them as fast as Sex*Goddess does, because I’m not online much, but I will do my best.

So I guess I shall go off and do some questions now.



Before you asked your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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