Seduction Technique to Seduce men.

I got this in an email from the same site that I got the tips about the labdance, so I thought I would put this up here as well. Can’t hurt right? Maybe one of you would like to try this out and see how well it works for you. 🙂

QUESTION: I find lots of info on seduction techniques men can use to attract & ‘get with’ women BUT NONE on how women can sed~uce men. Do you have any tips?

ANSWER: Good question. Frankly, if you do it right it’s not that hard to turn a man on with a little creativity.

Try this tip…

Men don’t need the warm up time that women do. So…if you’re in the mood now OR just want to drive him a bit crazy try this…

 Have you ever noticed the magazine ads or pregnant pause in a movie the moment before 2 people kiss? That is where the sexual electricity lies.

You can tap that sexual electricity and send a charge right to his male brain. Here’s how…


Grab him – around the back of the neck or head (if your not too short) and bring yourself in close to his face – about 3 inches to start.

You’re now showing him you’re in control. And 75% of men love a woman who is confident and sexually aggressive – at least sometimes. 


Don’t LET HIM kiss you  – remember, you’re in control. While you’re about You want to focus your eyes on his mouth for a couple of seconds – like you’re going to have YOUR way with him – then look up and seduce him with your gorgeous eyes.


Move in towards his lips – slowly – like their hot  and you don’t want to burn yourself.  BUT don’t kiss him yet.

Let your breath tickle and stimulate his face. Let him smell you.Let him hear you breathing (men love those sounds – have you ever watched an erotic movie with the sound off – not as fun, is it?)

When you reach his ear let out a little sigh (think kind you would make if you were not and turned-on)

Move your face around his – doing your breath thing. Move to his neck.

You’re teasing him! Driving him wild.


Move back to his lips. Gently, softly kiss them a couple of times.Short, teasing little kisses.

Do the same on the corner of his mouth. Try his ear and neck – very stimulating.

HINT: Look at his lips – imagine the pleasure they will be giving to you. Let that turn you on. Then look at him. He will see the passion in your eyes …



Move your hands up the back of his head – like a scalp massage Almost everybody loves this. This will make the hair on his neck stand up (maybe something else, too)

You can do this while looking into his eyes or getting in close and breathing in his manly sent – which will be pumping out of him after this technique.

Now he’s yours to control. Do with him whatever you want.
– Tease him by walking away
– Whisper what you’d like him to do in his ear
– lead him to the couch, chair, hot tub, bedroom etc…
– get creative
– Oh, here’s an idea .. have him site and give him a little dance.

Remember, you’re in control!! Take charge.

Important-make sure your breath is fresh (nothing is a bigger turn-off than skunky hot air in your face)

If this doesn’t get him wrapped around your little finger…. check his pulse.

Have fun and take care!

Before you asked your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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December 11, 2006

You definitely had me with these. 😉 Awesome, as usual. 😀

December 12, 2006

My favorite advice on this topic is to grab ideas from the media. Watch TV, watch movies, watch porn, hell, watch comercials. You know whoÂ’s directing those? Men. ItÂ’s some guy behind a camera exposing his sexual wish list. Looking for an insight into the male mind? ItÂ’s out there every single day.