Relationship/Another guy……

theres this guy i have well … he is my f*ck budy ..he doesnt want a relationship at all but he seems interested in me all his friends say so … i have a boyfriend but i can feel myself falling for him …what do i do im so lost …*note* i havent slept with this f*ck friend since i started dating my b/f .. so im a little worried cuz i am with someone and falling for my old F*ck budy whatdo i do [Allan’s Girl :)]
hi my man and i just hooked up and well … we havent even kissed yet he wont touch me at all … when we sit together he sits across the room from me … i dont know if this is cuzz of me or him and im to scared to talk to him about it …what do i do … on top of it all im meeting his mom on friday and well i want this relationship to work ..but he isnt cuddly enough and i like to be cuddled [Allan’s Girl :)]

Feelings are never easy, even harder when there is more then one person you like… I know what you are going through, I have been there myself. The only thing that I can really tell you to do is to think about what you want. I mean really think. You are with your bf and you are falling for the other guy. What you need to do is to stop and think who you want more. Who will make you happier to be with. You said that the other guy don’t want a relationship, so that in a way will be hard if you pick him. Then again if he likes you like his friends tell you he does, he may be open to start one with you.

Think of how each of them make you feel, think of who makes you smile more, makes you laugh more, makes you happier more, what one of them do you really want to be with. This is just some things to think about whne you are trying to see what one you want to be with. You also want to know how they feel about you as well. If you don’t want to talk to the other guy about how he feels about you, then have a friend do it if you want.

As for your bf, the best thing to do with him is to talk to you. I know you said your scared to talk to him about it, but you need to find out why he hasn’t kissed you, why he doesn’t sit next to you, why he doesn’t cuddle with you, why it seems like he doesn’t want to be around you. You need to know if it is you or him, you need to know what you can do it help him if he needs to. You want this relationship to work, well if this is so then you already know who you want to be with, but to have a relationship to work right and well, you both need to talk to one another, Let each other know what is going on, how you feel, what’s on your mind, whats wrong, if anything is wrong.

With out talking to each other, the relationship will not go to far and may not work out, because nether of you know what is going on with the other. Take a day that you both had time to just sit down and talk. Just ask him if he would mind talking with you, you don’t have to start talking about what is it you want to know about why he is acting that way, start off with small talk. Then work your way up to your relationship. If you both really want this relationship to work you both will be willing to talk about it. It may not be easy to start it, but just try to ask him why he doesn’t go around you, why he doesn’t touch you, why he hasn’t kissed you, something that will help you to know why and for him to maybe open up to you.

Also if you want this to work, then you may want to stop thinking about the other guy, but if you can’t and you still don’t know, just think about who you want more, and everything else I have up there. I hope the best for you and I hope this helped you out some. Take Care!


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my new boyfriend is kinda paraniod i have alot of guy friends and he has been hurt alot in the past . i dont want to hurt him by going to see my guy buds but i also dont want to give up my friends when i have known them longer then i have known him his paranioa is really starting to bug me it makes it so i dont want to be around him what should i do ..Continued in next note

and well if he doesnt start trusting me then i dont know if it will last . the other problem is my ex is his friend and keeps getting involved in out relationship he goes to my bf and tells him im cheating on him when im not . i mean i havent hung out with any of my friends since i started dating this guy and it just seems like he is smothering me and my ex doesnt want me to be with my new bf HELP