
This is the best place to talk about this topic, so here I am….

Me and my sis-in-law was talking about different things and some how we got on to porn and then that lend to sex, not like that is a big step to get to when you are talking about porn; Right? Anyway, she was saying how she was getting to the point where she was getting addictive to it, and how she stopped herself before it got out of hand. Now I am pretty sure I have said in here before that I’m not big on porn, never really have been but I have seen some in my lifetime… so I don’t really see how it can be addictive that you watch it in order for you to get in the mood. She didn’t really say she was that bad, but there are some people in life who are that bad. I just can’t really understand it. Now I can see by watching porn you get turned on by it, either by the sounds they make or even by just seeing the act itself, but having to watch porn in order for you to get turn on enough to get either yourself off or in order to get turned on enough to have sex with the person you are with I don’t get.

If you have to watch porn in order for you to get horny enough for you to get yourself off then why even bother to get your self off? I mean you can’t be that hard up if you have to watch a video to be able to get hard/wet so you can cum. You would think if you are wanting to get off then you would just do it with out having to watch something in order for you to get turn on enough to do it. Right, or am I just not seeing the good of this? Now I will say that there are times that I have seen porn or ever read an Erotic Story/book and got turned on, but I don’t need them to get me horny. Though some people need to watch porn for them to do so, I don’t get why that is. I may never know, cos I either don’t have the mind set to understand it, someone never explained it to me right, or it is just not something that does make sense to people who aren’t like that.

I don’t know, maybe I never will, just thought I would get this out in the open for what ever reason. 🙂

If you are someone like this, please don’t get upset about this, this post was not meant for that, this is just my thoughts I’m not saying who ever is like this is wrong or that there is something wrong with them or what have you,  I just don’t get it myself. If you have any thoughts and want to share them to maybe let me and others (if there are others like me) know about this then me by guest and leave a comment.

Till next time, stay safe!




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March 26, 2011

Welcome back! (ANd thanks for the compliment. I write longer stories when inspired, I just haven’t had TOO much inspiration lately–or I’ve just been busy.) I don’t watch porn much (no one ever believes me when I say that, but it’s true). Close-ups of thrusting genitalia just don’t do it for me. (Though I do like a pleasured moan or watching a woman’s body move through the pleasure.)

March 27, 2011
March 28, 2011

I know what you mean.. from my experience though it’s not as if you need to watch porn to get horny.. it’s more like, you’re horny, but you feel like watching something naughty to give your horniness that “extra” something. so you watch, get even more excited, then get off, and (hopefully, if you found the right kind of porn for you) you get off really good or even better!