Orgasm – How do you know when you are done?

So I’ve been having sex and all that for 3 years now so I pretty much know what I’m doing but up until now I havent had an orgasm. My boyfriend said he really wants me to so he bought me a vibrator and I feel like I never have before, I feel like I’m having one, so I think, but how do I know when I’m done? The feeling doesnt stop so I never think I’m actually finished and eventually we give up.

OK first off read this post What Does an Orgasm feel like? That way you know what it would feel like, though not everyone feels it the same way, but that should give you an idea of what it would feel like.

Have you ever had an orgasm when you have Masturbated? I’m thinking no, other wise you would know if you had one when you and your boyfriend where together. I think it would do you good for you to give yourself an orgasm first, before he tries to give you one, this way you know what it feels like before hand and would have a better idea of what would happen when you have one with him.

As for when is it done… It depends on how sensitive you are when you finally have your orgasm. What I mean by this is, some people will have an orgasm but not be that sensitive so they will only have a small one, as to someone who got really sensitive would have a bigger one, lasting a bit longer then a smaller one. Also you can be sensitive enough to where you would have more then one (multiple orgasms)… one right after the other and that will last longer as well.

Though it normally still doesn’t last to long, but you can be sensitive enough to where if he (or yourself) keeps going it would seem like it’s going on longer then it normally would. There are times when I, myself know when it is does, but other times it seems like it doesn’t want to stop.

I hope this helped you out.

Take Care!



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