One nipple darker then the other, Why?

This question is super embarrassing, but what does it mean when one of your nipples is darker than the other one?

please help!

I wasn’t sure about this so I looked it up, and well that didn’t really help either. Though I did find some things that I thought I would post up on here after I get none with answering this question. It’s always nice to know new things about your body that you didn’t know before, but anyway back to the question.

Every site that I went to didn’t say anything about one nipple being darker then the other. it is normal for one breast to be bigger then the other and also for your nipple to be either dark or light depending on the color of your skin, but nothing about one darker then the other. I know as you grow, your boby changes, that goes with your breast as well. This is normal, but none of the sites said anything about one nipple being darker then the other as time goes on. There was only one site that I went to that said anything about this, I can’t seem to find that site now, but if I were you I would go to your Doctor and have them look at it and see if there is anything wrong. I’m not trying to scare you or anything like that, I’m just letting you know that I don’t know what this could mean.

It could be normal for your body, has your nipples always been one darker then the other, or did this just happen? If you have always had one darker then the other, then more then likely it is normal for you. Not everyone is the same some people’s breast are different then others, but that doesn’t always mean that it isn’t normal. if you want to know for sure why one is darker then the other, ask your Doctor to make sure it is normal for you and that there is nothing wrong.

Sorry I couldn’t help you more. Take Care!



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