Oh yes baby, that’s what I want.or is it?

Yes I am slow, or could it just be lazyness… I don’t know but I’m not going to sit here trying to find out what one it is. 🙂 So then Hi everyone, I so hope no one missed me these past few days.. I’m sure no one has, after all it’s just little old me. 🙂 Anyway….

I haven’t found that chat I was talking about so I shall not be posting that up, though I don’t think it’s that big of a deal, then again SP may thing so cos she was the one who wanted to read it. 😀 Sorry hun! I haven’t started on the story just yet, (this is more then likely where the lazy comes in to play) but I will start on it some time today and depending on how much I get done on it to if I will post that up or wait till I have a bit more to it. I can’t post the whole thing up even if I get done with it, I like to make people wait for what is to come next in them. 😀 I don’t get called a tease for nothing you know?!

Ok I had someone ask me this is chat once when we were talking "What makes you the queen of oral?"

Now if anyone is wondering why he would ask that it is because I told him once that someone told me that I was The Queen of Oral.

What I told him was "Well the only thing I can think of to tell you is he really loved how I gave him blowjobs. He always told me how he loved the feel of my mouth on him, that he couldn’t get enough of my mouth on him. How I really was good at them, so he called me "The Queen of Oral" a few times."

This is where he kind of go a bit over boat. He just keeps asking me different things, I couldn’t answer him because before I was done typing he would have like 2 more questions for me, so I just let him ask and not say anything, till he asked me if I was still there. lol So by then I he had one last question he wanted to ask and he wanted to know if I would answer it. So I told him yes, just as long as he will give me time to reply! lol So what he asks me is "Can you show me how you are the queen of oral?" 

I just laughed, I knew at some point in this convo he was going to ask me this, I though it would have been sooner then what it was, but anyway I told him "First off why would I when you are with someone? I’m not going to be the one that you cheated with.  Even if you didn’t have a gf how would it happen anyway when you don’t even live in the same state as I do?"

His reply to that… "Damn I hate when you are right, but still I have always wanted to know what it would be like with you, you know that… plus now I want it even more after remembering you telling me that. Oh and if I didn’t have (not saying names) then I would go to you, not like you are that many state away from me you know?

Now I am not going to do the whole convo we had it’s to long, but I wanted to put this up becasue it goes with what I am going to say now though it isn’t about him…. Why is it that people think if you talk about sex or answer a question they ask you that has to do with sex that it is ok to only talk about sex and only try to cyber with them? Now I have no problem talking about sex (As you all know.:)) but what I do have a problem with is people thinking that once I start talking about that with them on IM’s or answer a question they have about sex that it is ok to try to get me to cyber with them or tell me how they want to do this or that with me.

(Oh yes I so want to cyber with everyone and anyone online so come and cyber with me!) Yea that’s me…lol If I just met you what make you think I want you? Just because I answered your sex question or just because I told you what my fav position is doesn’t mean I want to jump your bones. So why is it some people think that is the reason? So I have a sign on my forehead saying "Come and I will please you" or something? If this is the case then why didn’t someone tell me, I don’t want to please the whole world like that! That is just way to many people!

Well I think I said enough, don’t you? Stay Safe and Stay SexXxy!



Before you ask your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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September 29, 2008

As long as I get my story I will be ok. :-p Queen of oral?? Ohhhhh Now if only I was a guy I would be able to find that out for real, cos I know you, you won’t let me find out cos I am female. :-p Anyway…. I think it is because you some how get the one who can only think of sex.lol Nah really I don’t know, just cos you talk about it once, don’t mean that’s all you want to talk about! MEN! lol

September 29, 2008

See now you know why I don’t just go with men, they are just to much trouble… then again there are some females that you want to ran from as well so I can’t say I have it even easier finding the answer. Will you give me some

September 29, 2008

I so can relate to this. Some men think that’s all ya want to talk about if ya answer one question on sex.Why not accept the fact that ya an honest woman who knows something about sex.And then get to know ya on a deeper level? I hope ya night is a good one.And I do notice when ya don’t write. 🙂 I’m a stalker. lol Kidding. Big Hugs~

I love looking at a woman’s face while she gives me a blow job. Looking into those beautiful eyes while she has me in her mouth sucking me.

October 2, 2008

Was thinking of ya hope ya day is going good.Hugs~

October 11, 2008

Wait. You’re going to boast your oral sex skills to man and expect him to not be tempted to want it himself? Hell, I want it now. I’m not even (that much of) a perv.