Oh wow, the old days…

I saw awhile ago about this site coming back, though I kind of forgot about it till I got an email about it being back up now. I’m not sure if I am going to stay or not, I guess I will see how it goes to if I want to or not.

I haven’t really done much with diary’s/Journal’s online much for a while now. I tend to just keep things to myself now, though this diary I never really did write much about myself anyway, my other diary was for that. 🙂 I haven’t gotten to that one just yet, I may open it up again just to see some of my old posts. Well the ones that get restored, from what I have seen so far not all old posts get restored so I will see what ones do.

I do still give out advice like I did on this site, just not the same way anymore. I do kind of miss it though, it was good helping people when they needed it, still is when I can do it. I’ve always liked helping people be it giving advice or just whatever I can. Sometimes just listening helps, I have needed a listener a time or two in my life so I know how that can help at times. 😀

Anyway enough about all that, a lot has changed in my life; yet a lot hasn’t. It’s kind of weird to say that I know, but that’s how it is. Life is just life, can never know how much will change or not change, just have to go with it and see what happens. Good times and not so good of things has happened, just taking one day at a time; that’s all we can do.

I shall see what comes next, till then take care!


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April 7, 2018

Listening is such A wonderful skill to have.  So many just need someone to listen  and a kind word to be given.  Welcome back to Open Diary.  Whatever you decide to do, stay or not, I wish you the very best.  I will say that I am so happy being back on Open Diary!  A few of my friends have come back and I’m making lots of new friends too.  Also, there are so many features that we have and features that are to come.  Sharing photos is very easy and Open Diary is even able to store them for you so you no longer have to use websites like Photobucket.  It’s fantastic!  And now, we have a different selections of fonts and colors to use when we write entries.  My understanding is customization of diaries will be coming back too, much like the old days.  Isn’t that nice!  It’s fun to grow along with the new Open Diary.  So welcome back!