New Layout Plus FAQ’s Page *Edited*

I know that I haven’t done many questions right now, but it is late here and I am getting kind of tired and I don’t like answering to many questions when I am tired. I will get to the other ones later on… I’m not sure if I have all of them or not, and some of them are kind of old I don’t know if who ever asked them still would want me to answer them, if so you can let me know and tell me what your question was.

I put up my new layout, as you all can see. Just have to use IE to see it the right way, or if you have Firefox you can download the pulgin for IE on firefox like I have. Firefox is ok, but some pages (not just OD) Don’t come out right so it’s good to have the pulgin anyway. I think at least. 🙂

Also my FAQ’s Page is back up… you can get the addy on my DD. Not everything is up in here just yet, I still have some post I need to still put in there, but the ones I had before on my FAQ’s Page is at least in there. I will get to putting the other ones up in time as well. I am thinking about putting a link to my FAQ’s Page at the buttom of every post I do, this way no one can say they can’t find it or they don’t see it. So please look on my site and see if I haven’t answered your question already.

I know some of the questions people have asked me I already have up, but I didn’t have my site up for you to look through it, but now I do, so you can look and see and not have to ask me something I already answered. Thanks!


I put Private notes on… This way if you are logged in and don’t want someone to see your note you can just check the Private note box. 😀 Lucy got me to go this, I don’t know why I never did it before. 🙂 Talking of Lucy I need to email her…. danm I am just losing it all over it seems like….Oh well not the first time. lol

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May 19, 2006

how do you get that plugin? I use firefox too and I hate how it messes up the look of some things, but I didn’t know there was a plugin! <3

May 20, 2006

OH MY!!!!! Your front page is sooooo amazing!!!!!!!!! Get some rest beloved….glad to see you are still around.