Never been Kissed or had Sex

I’m 23 years old and I’ve never been kissed or had sex. I’m now worried that I won’t be good at either. I’ve lied to those around me for years about my sexual past. For a while it was a choice, but now I’m eager to get out there and I’m afraid I won’t be a good kisser or good in bed. So I guess I’m asking, kissing techniques for the novice and sexual mechanics. Is it a up and down ride or a rock?

First off, I do have some posts up already that would help you out on my site, just go to Kissing, this has different posts that I have done up on kissing. I think going to How to Kiss, then go to French Kiss would help you out. Even reading the other post may, I don’t know it’s been a while since I have been to though posts.

There is also First Time that you could go to. You may even find other posts on my site to help you out as you look around, though I don’t have all my post up on my site still, I know I know I need to, but that’s for another entry.

Second, I wouldn’t worry so much about if you will be a good kisser or good in bed, it’s not good that you lied about your sexual past, but you are not the only one who has lied about that. I can’t tell you that you will be great at it, but that has nothing to do with you never doing either, because there are some people who have done both and still are not that good at it. Though I do understand wanting to know what you are doing and making it good for both parties. I’m sure if you read up it will help you out and give you the idea of what to do.

If the posts on either of those links I gave you don’t help you just leave me another note letting me know what help you need and I will be more then happy to help you as much as I can. Hope this helps you some. Take care!



Before you ask your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide


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September 14, 2008

The nice thing about sex is that even bad sex is good sex.