My Heart is with You!

I so totally forgot about this…. I know "How?" right? lol 

In a way it is just easier for me to use Xanga anymore, because every time I come here the pages love to load and load and load and then finally come up. I don’t know what it is, it’s just this one, my other one on here doesn’t do that, just this one. I don’t know what to think of why…. I could just use my other one from now on… I may end up doing that, but not everyone goes to that one. lol Plus some things I write just won’t go with that one. Anyway….

I found this page online, can’t remember the addy, but it has this guy who tells people that you can have your ex back, doesn’t matter the reason why you broke up, it being cheated one, no more passion, can’t trust and anything you can think of really, if you want them back you can have them…. Now I’m not saying this isn’t true, that you can’t get your lost love back, but come on why would you pay $40 for a book to tell you how to get the one you want back?

Yea you can write him and email him and he will answer you, that’s one thing… but to pay for a book, why? Now I know it’s not easy to forgive and to start new when there are so many things going on to why you are no longer together, but if you sit back and think it shouldn’t be that hard to see how things can change and how they can be fixed…. or am I the only one who thinks like this? Now I’m not saying that when you are hurting you are in the best thinking order, and it would be nice to talk to someone and get there advice, I do myself, but I wouldn’t go out and get a book just so I know the answers to get someone back, when I can just vent to a friend or someone online and then see what it is I need to do, if there is anything.

Just something I was thinking about and thought I would put up….. I wonder how many people have wanted there ex back no matter what they did, and worked it out so that they got them back. I know there was one ex of mine that I got back with after he broke up with me, nothing bad happen to the reason why he did, and things where better, though in the end we still didn’t last. Not that either one of us didn’t want it to, just that we lived to far apart from one another and it just got to much for him. I’m not blaming him, I understand his reasons on it, though I would have loved if we could have stayed together, because I truly believe he was the one for me. To this day I still love him with all of my heart…. Ok now I lost track to what I was saying so I shall stop now, maybe I will know what it was some other time…. then again maybe not. lol

Though before I go I want to leave you all with this poem…. it’s a poem my nephew wrote who is in the Army… There is no name that I know of, because he didn’t put one, but the meaning of it, is something to see….

Here is sit dressed in ACU’s
Feeling excited for the news,
Afghanistan is it they say,
It’s my blood i my have to pay,
For all of those with families at home,
I just sit here all alone,

Trapped in my world of lonely sorrow,
I can’t stop thinking about tomorrow,
I beg out loud for god’s protection,
As your kids wine about rejection,
They get to wear there symbols of peace,
As i head off to the middle east,

I lock and load my M-16,
For your daughter a beauty queen,
I stand in her place when bullets fly,
This way she wont have to die,
Covered in blood as i hit the ground,
There is no more life to hold me down,

Please god accept me where i lay,
For in my blood is what I pay,
Dying for others was my choice,
But if i die all can rejoice,
As death smiles at me,
I smile back happily.



Before you ask your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide


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February 14, 2010
March 5, 2010

I was wondering what happened to you! I hope you write more. I don’t know what you’re other diary is… *hugs*