Lump on my testicle/mean of making love&having sex

Love your diary…I have had this lump on my left testcle for about 1yr now its smal like a pea and is hard mild pain kinda like some one has hit me in my nut an hour ago from time to time. The pain has moved further up. I hate to go to a doctor but I’m worried. And what is the diffrence between having sex and making love. [AversionofTRUTH]

Honestly I have no idea what that could be. Sense it hasn’t grown at all till now it could be nothing but a bump, Although I do have to say that my brother had a lump on his foot (I know not the same place) for a while but not to long ago he had to have surgery on it to remove it because he was causing him pain up his leg and in to his back. It did get bigger before he had it removed, I don’t know what it was, but I don’t it wasn’t good if it gave him pain and they had to remove it.

If I was you I wouldn’t wait around for it to grown, pop or whatever it may do, I think you should go see a Doctor about it and find out what it really is and if it can hurt you or not. You don’t want to mess around with some things. I don’t even want to guess what it may or may not be either.

As for the difference between having sex and making love… this is different for everyone, because not everyone has the same out look or view point on things, but I will let you know what the two mean to me, some may agree some may not.

It may seem like they both mean to same thing and to some they may, but making love and having sex is not the same thing at all to me. When you’re having sex with someone it doesn’t really matter who it is, doesn’t matter if you care about them or not, just as long as you get your satisfaction from it. Having sex is just a way for someone to go out with no worries (Well there will be worry of STD’s and other things, but that’s not what we are talking about here) and have a good time and have fun with someone else in bed.

Making love isn’t like that at all, when you love someone and you want to show them that you care about them you make love to them. You want them to feel how much you care; you want them to feel good why you give them pleasure. When you make love to someone it means you love them, you don’t want just a one night stand, you don’t want them to feel as though all you want is sex, and you want them to be one with you in a sense. Making love to someone you care about is better then having all the sex in the world, you can get more out of it them just sexually pleasure. This is the difference between the two for me.  

Now as I said before not everyone will agree with me on this, and that is ok, that is there opinion of the matter, they have a right to think what they want to think about it. I also want to say just because you are having sex doesn’t mean you are a whore or anything like that and that you can care about someone, that isn’t true. Just so no one get the wrong idea on my way of thinking about these two things. Take Care!


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January 12, 2006

what are you afraid of??

January 12, 2006

In regards to the lump, please see a doctor. The sooner, the better. It could be testicular cancer. It could also be something less worrisome, like a problem with a vein – I think that happened to one of my friends.