Life can get better…. Right?

Things are getting kind of better here with Sue, but she is still bitching about stupid crap, but at least she is trying to be nicer and stop her bitching about every little thing and is talking like a normal person when you talk to her more so.

She got her place now, she signed the lease yesterday or the day before, so they are all set, now we just have to get set with a place… they is a place Lynn went to yesterday to look at, it’s kind of small she says, but do able for the time being. Just have to pray that we can get it, and once we do we are going to be moving things over….. so who ever reads this pray that we can get the place, cos we need one really bad. Don’t want to have to have the kids going to friends homes why me and Lynn sleep in the car. That would really blow!

Well I can’t say to much have to get ready to go do clothes now… I may be back later and add more. Hope everyone is well!



Before you ask your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide



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June 7, 2009

*Fingers crossed* I hope you get the new place.

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June 8, 2009

Here’s hoping. Good luck.

June 8, 2009

RYN: The questions you’ve answered from readers over the years. Didn’t you used to have a list by topic?

June 10, 2009
June 13, 2009
June 17, 2009
June 23, 2009

This diary was blocked by the Diary Master but it has now been unblocked and I will start to write in it again.

June 28, 2009

RYN: Thanks, dear! 😀

Hey goddess, got a question. What’s the best way to lube up? I got sooooo sore last time my b/f and I had sex. We use condoms.

FYI- Sue goes out with other guys