Late Period.

wut r reason’s a person’s period could b late? because i’m usually regular… but it’s been a week since i was supposed to get it… my bf and i had sex a month ago, but we used a condom and i think i would b having signs already if i was pregnant… so i’m not really sure wut’s wrong… and just in case i took a pregnancy test a couple days ago… it said i wasn’t pregnant… but i’m still scared

To the noter about late period…If you stress about it then it can be late. Other things can cause it but stress does it, and since you’re worryin’ so much about it that’s probably what it is. If the test came out negative then there’s no need to worry. It would also be irregular. Mine is.

If you are over stressed or over worried then your period will come late, if you took a test and it said you weren’t then it’s safe to say you aren’t. If it has been over a month since you had sex that time, then you would have some signs on being pregnant. There are times when people are usually regular but they will get over stressed or worried and then they aren’t as regular as before. It is normal, the body is always changing so I wouldn’t worry about it to much, you can always get another test and check again, but I think it is just you worring over it to much, or being stressed over it or something else that is making it late. Hope this helpes.


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A change in eating, a change in exercise or physical activity, and stress are the most common reasons for a usually regular period to be late. Pregnancy tests can give false readings, so it’s a good idea to take a second one a few days after you first take one, just to make sure. That’s if the period still hasn’t come. And not all women will experience pregnancy symptoms right away if they are

actually pregnant. If you take another test and it still says “negative” and your if your period doesn’t come after two months, go to your doctor because there could be something else wrong.

October 23, 2004

yeah mine was late. i don’t have a regular period, but when it didn’t come for like 2 1/2 months i went and got a test. it came up positive. but i’m happy about it, i’ve been wanting a child. just had to comment on the entry. thanks for all the help.

October 23, 2004

Mint? …Not to be daft,but could you explain that? … And if it’s what I think it is,I’ll laugh myself silly every time I hear someone say ‘I’m minty fresh’,after this in a wonderfully immature and perverse way.

I agree with another noter, you wont always get symptoms right away if your pregnant. I didnt get any until i was 9 weeks pregnant, and i didnt find out till i was 8 weeks. But its also try that stress, eating, pyshical changes in exerciseing, new jobs, and other things like that can affect it.

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my boyfriend and i’ve been talking about anal sex for a while. we tried it or at least atempted it. we had the lube goin and he stuck it in like not even an inch and it felt as if my ass (pardon my french) was being ripped out of house and hold. is there any ways to make it more pleasing in my sense. i don’t want him to be bummed cause i don’t wanna do it.

thansk you for your note. i liked it. but i think sometimes. did i do something wrong. why doies this happen to me. all this stuff happened to me and ive nerv told anyone. people dsont klnow what haunts me. no one knows why i cry at night. no one knows why i cut. no one know the real me. again thank you. i would like chating with you some more. i dont use msn but i do check my email please email

me at i check it every day. thansk you good night.*KISSES* *HUGS*

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