Just a rant from S*G

This is just a rant from me, so if you don’t wish to read, then I won’t make you. I’m just going to do it in here instead of my other OD. Don’t really matter where I write it, cos both of the OD’s are mine anyway….

I’m not sure how my life is going to turn out, though I don’t think anyone knows that for sure, all any of us can do is try to make it as best as we can and hope that it comes out like we planned in some way. I don’t really know what I want out of my life, but I do know who I want to be with. The only thing is, the more time goes by the harder it is for me to believe I am going to be with the one I love. Doesn’t help that he doesn’t know who is wants or what he wants. I know he loves me, he has said so himself, but at times I really wonder if he love me like someone loves another, or if he just loves me as a friend anymore.

Then again I have to wonder if he even wants to be my friend anymore, he has told me he doesn’t want to lose me as a friend, but yet he doesn’t talk to me, he doesn’t leave me comments on my Xanga anymore or doesn’t email me… Though I don’t really email him or leave him comments, only reason is because I’m not sure if he would want me to, so I don’t.  I told him that he will never lose me, that I will always be his friend if that is all that will become of us… Though it’s hard to really believe this myself because I don’t know really where I stand with him anymore for how he is acting with me now.

I’m so confused about all of this and torn as well. I don’t want to give up on us being together, but everyday that passes it’s hard not to give up. Every time he is online and doesn’t say anything to me, doesn’t leave me anything, doesn’t talk to me, it gets harder to believe anything will ever be with us, more then friends or even friends at times.

I know he is trying to find out about his life, and what he wants and he is trying to do what is right with God, and all of that, but come on, you don’t shut out someone you say you love and don’t want to lose. Do you? I don’t see the point in that at all, I don’t see how you can say I don’t want to lose you, but turn around and never say two words to that person. (He kind of has said more then two words to me, but in a way it’s like he is just doing it, not because he wants to, that’s how I feel about it anyway.)

I love him, he made me believe in love again and to try again… but now I am getting closer to just giving up on it all and not even worry about love because it just seems that love has given up on me. I know some people will tell me not to give up on love, that everyone gets hurt and all that, but I’m not everyone, I’m tried of getting hurt when it comes to love, I am tried of loving someone and then getting hurt in the end. Having a heart of gold (like most of my friends like to say I have) sucks at times, because you care so much about someone but get hurt in the end.

I don’t want to be someone who starts to not care anymore, someone who once cared so much for others to start not caring at all for anyone. That isn’t who I am, hell I care more for others then I do myself half the time, so if I don’t care anymore then who in the heck will I be then? I don’t want to think about it to much because I don’t have an answer for that. I don’t want to find out either.

You know that saying Love hurts, well that is not just a saying that is a fact. I have and I’m sure everyone has learn that listen, but doesn’t mean that I have to let it keep happening to me. I don’t know, I just the only thing I can do is just wait and see what happens and hope that I don’t lose myself to much with waiting.

I think I ranted enough for one night, I think I shall hit the hay. Goodnight everyone, and take care.



Before you asked your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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January 6, 2007

It’s so tempting to remind you that you have to put forth an effort too, and that one could speculate that he might be having the same doubts. However, I totally understand how hard it is to put yourself out like that. No one should have to leave themselves that emotionally vulnerable. Well, good luck. I hope it all works out one way or another.

January 6, 2007

This reminds me of my ex slightly. He would keep me there because he didn’t want to loose me, but knew he couldn’t be with me. He strung me along until we couldn’t do it anymore. I was devastated but it needed to be done. Towards the end he wouldn’t talk to me or call. He was trying to get me to break up with him so he didn’t have to. He couldn’t b man enough and tell me. He did things to push…

January 9, 2007

Maybe he isn’t talking to you because he wants you to move on. His life is going in another direction. As much as it will hurt maybe it’s for the best. I know I don’t know ur story but mine was kinda like that. I didn’t want to break up with my ex. I tried to do everything to make it work and it wasn’t meant to be. He was going in another path than me. I was growing up and he was still immature

January 9, 2007

It hurt so bad but looking back i’m really glad we arent together. I was always stressed and sad. He was making me sick. I don’t see him now and i’m ok. It’s only been a month since the breakup but i’m over it. I saw him last week and felt nothing at all. I really feel that i can move on now. He was still the same immature guy. I don’t want him as husband material. There would be too many issues

January 9, 2007

I believed one way and he believed another. There would def be probs in a marriage. I could see it. I just didn’t want to admit there was anything wrong. I wanted to compromise the way i believed for him. It wasn’t worth it. You can’t do that for someone. It’s all or nothing. You have to be completely compatible not make urslef think it will work. You don’t want a divorce or even worse kids involv

January 15, 2007

*Sigh* I’m no great love expert, but don’t give up. The people who give up on love tend to be the ones who most deserve it. Keep your chin up. You will pull through. Maybe you’re just looking in the wrong places…

January 18, 2007

RYN: Thank you. (Geez, you’re the only one who’s wished me good health!) Since I wrote that entry, I’ve come down with a horrible middle ear infection. And despite being on antibiotics, I’m running a lowgrade fever today for some reason. Hope you’re doing better than I am.

(1st note) Yes, love can be a hallow pain in your chest sometimes. The man I consider to be the only person I have ever, and will ever fully care for, is getting married to someone else in June. I hope you are OK. I’m new to your diary, but I’ve been enjoying it. I’m sorry to ask for help while you have other things on your mind, but I would very much appreciate it.—continued—>

(2nd note)

(note 3) -continued–>If you could just give me any thoughts you have about this, I would be so greatful. I have a lot of other questions, but I’ll just leave this one for now. Hmmm….. out of curiosity, what would you do if you were in my place? ~Much Love, Doll

It sucks how some men are emotionally retarded and can just do things like this. My appologies if i offended anyone. I’m no love expert either and everyone has different opinions but in that situation i would ask him directly what he wants. Because waiting around with him ignoring you is only hurting you, he needs to make a decision sooner or later and i would say the sooner the better. Jem.