It’s been a while…

 Well I am back online now, YES! We got the inter net back today, so now I can get online and I won’t be so bored and I get to chat with my friends and maybe do a little more then chat. ๐Ÿ˜€ Like right now would be a good time to do more then chat, but no one is on right now for me to have that fun, but I may be able to later one. lol I do know that I am going to have a little fun later on if I can hold out, cos damn am I horny as hell.

Enough about that… I don’t think everyone would like to hear just how horny I am and what I would do if someone was here with me right this mintue, though I am sure there are some who would like to know the answer to that question… Right? ๐Ÿ˜€

Ok anyway, If I could think I would say more, but right now I can only think about how wet I am and how much I would love to have a cock here for me to enjoy, so sense I don’t have that I guess I will just get off another way in a bit. So till I can think better then having someone moving in and out of me I shall get going… Then again my name is Sex*Goddess so I don’t think it would matter if I talked about sex or not, right?

Right about now I am wondering where are all the men in Ohio, then again some of the ones I have seen I don’t know if I would want to do anything with them, they just seem kind of odd. Not like I’m not odd really, but they seem more so then they should. ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m not one to just jump in bed with anyone, never have been, my thought is I have to care about him to sleep with him, but hell right now as horny as I am I wouldn’t need to care about him just would care what is has in his pants. Man being without someone sucks when you want more then just your hand. Though I still am staying with not falling in love and if I don’t date then I have a better change of that not happening.

So guys where are you all at when a girl needs something more then just her hand?

Take care!

Before you ask your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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July 18, 2008

We’re all out here in Seattle. ๐Ÿ˜‰

July 19, 2008

Hmm, sounds like it;d be a good day to be in Ohio. Ryn: Oh not at all. It’s been a while, but I’m not an animal.

Hi…stop by sometime…