Info about Hemorrhoids

Hey how do I know if I have hemmhoroids? Cause at my bf’s house I saw some hemorhoid cream but I didnt want to ask him about it. What are the symptons and what do they look like? Cause I have a weird red bump down there and it kinda hurts when I touch it and it itches sometimes.

Hemorrhoids are enlarged blood vessels (veins) that develop at the end portion of the large intestine (anal canal). They may be uncomfortable at times, but they rarely pose a serious problem. Hemorrhoids are also commonly called piles.

Nearly everyone has hemorrhoids at some time. Pregnant women frequently develop hemorrhoids during the last six months of pregnancy because of increased blood volume, which increases pressure on the blood vessels in the pelvic area. Other reasons a person might develop hemorrhoids include being constipated or having persistent diarrhea.

Preventing hemorrhoids or keeping hemorrhoids from worsening often can be accomplished by making changes in your lifestyle. Increasing fiber in your diet, drinking more liquids, and exercising regularly are some of the healthy habits that may lessen or prevent hemorrhoids.

A person can have hemorrhoids inside the anal canal (internal) and near the anal opening (external) at the same time. The symptoms, progression, and treatment of hemorrhoids differ depending on where they develop.

External hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids develop near the opening where stool passes out of the body (anus). External hemorrhoids may be tender and may itch. These hemorrhoids rarely need medical treatment unless they burst and form a painful lump under the skin (clotted hemorrhoid).

Internal hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids develop inside the anal canal. They can range in size from small, swollen veins in the wall of the anal canal to large, sagging veins and tissue that bulge out of the anus all the time.

Internal hemorrhoids may be painful if they stick out all the time and are squeezed by the anal muscles. Most small internal hemorrhoids can be treated at home. Larger internal hemorrhoids may require medical treatment.

Hemorrhoids Symptoms

Symptoms of hemorrhoids are often similar to the symptoms of other problems, some that can be much more serious than hemorrhoids.

Diagnosing your Symptoms
Doing this without professional help yourself is never a good idea. You should always seek the advise of a licensed healthcare professional to make sure that your symptoms indicate hemorrhoids and not something more serious. This is not something you do want to take any chances with. The risks for a making a mistake is just too great.

If you have any of the symptoms of hemorrhoids listed on this page you absolutely should seek the advise of a qualified healthcare professional before you make your decision about what will be the best hemorrhoids treatment for your particular circumstance. There are effective treatments that can in many cases can relieve and even cure hemorrhoids.

Common Symptoms of Hemorrhoids
Bright red bloodon toilet paper and on your stool and in the toilet bowl can indicate be an indication of hemorrhoids, but if the blood is dark red in color it could be caused by something more serious. In any case you should contact your healthcare provider immediately if you are having bleeding symptoms, please do not take a chance seek qualified advice to make sure that your symptoms are in fact hemorrhoids.

Pain in the rectal area can indicate many problems including hemorrhoids.
Itching and burning in the rectal area, usually caused by inability to clean the rectal area because of hemorrhoids.

Painful lump protruding outside of the anus, many times caused by a blood clot in an external hemorrhoid.

Although internal hemorrhoids originate inside the anal canal they can also sometimes protrude externally outside the anus and become very painful. The types of hemorrhoids are in the type 4 category.

External hemorrhoids are usually indicated by swelling or an enlarged area around the exterior of the anus. This is usually caused by blood clots forming in one of the enlarged veins which can be extremely painful.

Symptoms of external hemorrhoids can also be caused by a worsening of internal hemorrhoids to the point that they protrude outside of the anus.

Extreme cases can look similar to a small bunch of grapes protruding from the rectum. If your condition has progressed to this stage your hemorrhoid treatment options may be limited.

Any pain or discomfort in the anal area can be symptoms of hemorrhoids and other problems, some can be much more serious than hemorrhoids. It is up to you to consult your healthcare professional first and make sure.

Hope this helpes. Take Care!


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October 28, 2004

me and my boyfriend had sex earlier today and i ended my period today too but the condom slipped off inside of me i pulled it out really quick tho but is there a big chance of me being pregnant still??

it seems as if everytime i give oral to a guy, i get a coldsore on my mouth…any connection?

October 29, 2004

To the above noter: Yup, probably. Cold sores and herpes are caused by basically the same virus. Get tested for the virus – and let your partner(s) know.

In about a month my mate and I will (most likely) be experimenting with bondage and that sort of thing. He knows how far I will go,what I like,and all that sort of thing,and he has always been very careful not to hurt me (even in deep throating,it’s constantly ‘are you sure you’re okay hun?’). continued next note

October 29, 2004

However,I’m worried about two things. The first being that if I yelp too loudly,I may scare or worry him. The second mostly being that I’ve never done this sort of thing and to my knowledge,neither has he. He likes the noises I make (he’s playful-he loves to poke and tickle me to listen to me squeal and squeak). oops,continued again.

-so I don’t want to restrain noise. We have good communication between one another,and we’ve already talked all of this out. Do you have any tips on how to reassure without losing ‘the mood’? And any tips in general on how to get ready for this sort of thing? And I really have to learn to hit the unsigned note button.


hey, i was wondering if you know of any ways to actually like tease a man bad. my boyfriend and i like to play the little tease game, and i seem to be running out of tricks. care to share any? thanks so much

is it unusual to have a penis that curves? off to my right? is this bad? will it cause problems later with sex?