I Can Write!





Hey look I can write in here now! I was going to write an entry before now, but every time I came to this page it wouldn’t show me the box I needed to write in. It would say can’t find page, or something like that, in the box that you type in. I don’t know why it was doing that, thought it was my computer being stupid again, but I don’t know. I’m not going to worry about trying to find out what it was, it’s working now and that’s all that matters.

Anyway…. Things aren’t as bad as they where here, she isn’t being to much of a bitch, though that would have to do with her having a small stroke last week. We weren’t home most of that day, so we didn’t know she was hurting for so long, even when we got home she didn’t say anything, but we called 911 when she couldn’t move her left size. I pretty much knew she was having a stroke, but didn’t say anything at the time…. she did find out for sure that was what happen after they ran all kinds of test on her. They told her if she would have waited till the morning she would of have a full blow stroke and that just wouldn’t have been good at all… a small one is better then a big one, but no one would want to have either one if they had the choice.

So thing have gotten a bit better, but she does still bitch some about stupid crap, that will never change. but she needs to change that other wise she will have another stroke. Her getting pissing over anything and everything is not going to help her, but that’s what she does and we don’t get it. She has to complain about something, but what she doesn’t get is her doing that is just making her stress out and that is one thing she doesn’t need, but will she ever listen. Hell no, why would she listen to anyone who tells her something, she is miss all knowing!

On to other news… Being lonely kind of sucks. Even though there are so many people here I still can get lonely. Though not much can be done about that. Though in one way if I really wanted to it could, but that would mean I would have to look for someone and well that’s not going to happen. Some days I get in the mood where I wouldn’t care who it is as long as he had a penis.(well I care if it was family!) I do know that some of my online friends like when I get that way. lol Though they don’t seem to help matters, they just make things worst. Though I do get them back…. hehe

Anyway, I am going to get going. Hope everyone is well and having some fun. Be safe!


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March 19, 2009

OHH dude strokes suck. Ive had a couple and it is just not fun at all. I hope she got as lucky or better as I have been. the only thing I have wrong with me is I can’t remember crap and I can’t keep a job because of it. I hope she is feeling better

March 20, 2009

sorry for making you think of it so much. I’m sure thinking about it doesn’t help the situation any. It sure doesn’t help me any.

March 20, 2009

I’m not sure if I asked you this before but do you have myspace? I do, if you do. my name is MorpheusKakarot.

March 20, 2009

so I take it with that last note you wrote me, you were making yourself a little ‘antsy’, huh? Eh, that’s me almost everyday so I don’t blame you.

March 27, 2009

don’t forget to write me too now that you have my myspace.

April 8, 2009

have you added me yet and if you had then who are you because I’m kinda slow like that 😀