How to Fake an Orgasm

i was hoping that you could give me some good tips on how to FAKE an orgasm.

anything would help. thanks!

Well I have never faked an orgasm before, though I haven’t had an orgasm all the time, but I don’t see the point in faking one. If you can’t get on either by him going down on your or being inside of you then faking it is not the answer. Now him being inside of you, I can understand you not getting one bcause most girls don’t that way… but anyway this isn’t what you wanted.

First off if you have ever had an orgasm before then you will know how to fake one, because you know what happens to you when you have an orgasm, you know how you move, moan, scream or tighten up… so that right there will give you all the answers you will ever need to faking an orgasm.

If you can act then you can fake…. though a better person at acting will have a better faking of an orgasm, but either way you can still do it. There are a few options for you to faking an orgasm.

Gripping something tighty
Moaning Loudly (Or how ever you moan noramlly when you have one)
Breathing Heavily
Burying your face (in a pillow, etc)
Doing Kegels (This will help to make you go tighter around him to make it seem more real)
Screaming out (His name, oh god, etc)
Move your hips up to get father in
Arching your back move then you noramlly would
Anything else emotely dramatic or climactic.

 Hope this helps you out, and if anyone else have ideas of ways of faking post a note! Take Care!


Before you asked your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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Faking an orgasm is just bad for a relationship. You’re lying to him, and he’ll never learn the right way to please you. Leave that sort of behavior to hookers and porn stars.

December 28, 2006

Sorry, I meant the above note to be signed … that’s from me.

December 28, 2006

You want to make him think what he’s doing is good? How does that help either of you? He’ll keep doing what he thinks is getting you off and you’ll keep not having orgasms. Sounds like a bad idea to me.

i have very uneven boobs. its very noticable and i am having a hard time letting my boyfriend get intimate with me. i want to, but my boobs embarass me. any tips on how to get over it and just explain it to him would be very helpful. thank you.