How many time do you bleed after….

WOW IT POSTED!!!! ok let me try this once again…..:)

How many times of having sex is it ok to bleed after getting popped? I’m healthy, but really tight. And I keep bleeding a little most times my fiance and I go at it (5 out of 6 times or so).

It depends really, some people don’t bleed but only once, others don’t bleed at all, and some bleed a few times after there first time. But I think it is mostly just like the first few times, not to many really. As long as it isn’t a lot of blood and just a small amount then you should be ok, but if it is to much at one time and you don’t have your period then you may want to see if something else is wrong, but after like your 4th or 5th time you shouldn’t bleed anymore, but I could be wrong with the number. Don’t worry to much about it, unless you think there is something wrong inside, then go see a doctor if you think something is wrong. Hope this helps.

Take Care!


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Thanks for answering. I think it might be a case of his fingernails knicking my insides, actually – yesterday he only fingered me, and I still had a little blood later that day. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer, though!

i do a martial art, and am rather flexible, however when having sex i’m rather tight. just wondering if there are any exercises that could relax me or make me more lose. also, when sucking my boyfriend off, the first few times i was ok, after that, the taste of his cum wants me make me throw up. is there anyway to overcome that?

Yeah, I have that same problem with my boyfriend. I can’t think of how to solve it.

February 2, 2005

My boyfriend and I used to have sex all the time. We had a ver healthy relationship. For the last few months I havent wanted to do anything. Could it be my birthcontrol shot? And if so, is there anything I can do to fix it? I feel really bad for him and hes being so understanding.

hi my man and i just hooked up and well … we havent even kissed yet he wont touch me at all … when we sit together he sits across the room from me … i dont know if this is cuzz of me or him and im to scared to talk to him about it …what do i do … on top of it all im meeting his mom on friday and well i want this relationship to work ..but he isnt cuddly enough and i like to be cuddled

how do i make myself tighter?

February 2, 2005

A few tips for the noters who don’t like the taste of cum: 1) Mint – it creates neat sensations for him, too. 2) Have something nearby to get rid of the taste, be it something to drink, or something to eat. 3) Get him to eat more fruit! What he eats really makes a difference. If he drinks coffee, it will taste bitter; fruit makes it sweeter. Sex*Goddess can tell you more. 🙂

I’m so glad you are back here… OD hasnt been the same without you… When I am masturbating by myself because I’m single, I get to the point to where I want to cum but I never do. Is somethin wrong with me?