How many really have done this?


I was going to do another pic till I saw this one…

First off, this pic may have a reason behind it for something other then what I am going to be talking about, I don’t know but it doesn’t matter cos I am going to be talking about what I am going to be talking about. 😀

I wonder how many people really do, do this? Also what does she do about it?

Now I don’t know about any of you, but I myself would kill him if he ever did that. Sorry but if you want to play on the computer fine do it, but do not play on it why I am trying to play with you! If this happened to me he would be out of that room faster then he could push the power button! That would be after he heard a thing or two from me.

To me this is not a good thing. What does this say about you? What does this say about your sex life? Hell for that matter what does it say about your relationship?

To me it tells me that surfing around on the web is more fun, more entertaining, then having sex with your partner; that you would rather do something on your laptop instead of being there with your partner. Then it would bring me to think more about our relationship and what has become of it, how have you changed with other things that I may have missed, since I miss something being wrong in the bedroom.

I would also wonder what it wrong with me. Yea I know things happen and it doesn’t mean it is you that had made it change, but that does not mean that at this time it would be seen it that way, It would be seen as there was something wrong with me, that I am not doing something right, some how I messed up what once was good with us in the bedroom. Though this doesn’t mean anyone will think like this, some people would blame him for how things are going at that time. They would wonder what changed about him, why it is that he doesn’t want them anymore, why doesn’t he love them anymore and so on.

What it comes down to really is that, before things get so far out of it that it has to come down to not seeing/knowing something is wrong before it get to be that big. As in only knowing something is wrong because he is playing on a laptop why you are trying to make love to him. That will just make things that much harder to work out if they can be worked out.

If you don’t know your partner then get to know him/her better. Talk to one another, and I don’t just mean asking each other about there day, that’s all well and good, but unless you tell each other what you think, how you feel, what you want out of life, where you see each other in 5 years and anything else there is to talk about, then you will never know him/her. Talking is the key to a relationship (Well one of them anyway). So talk to one another don’t let things get out of hand to where you may never be able to get it back to how it once was.

 As for the story; I have started it I really have, just for some reason it is taking longer to write it then I thought it would. Now like I don’t have an idea, yes SP you did give me it, but that still is not making it let me write it… so you will still have to wait for it. Once I get enough done on it where I know I can keep going and not have to worry about getting stuck then I will post it up. Sorry that it is taking me longer then I said it would to do it up.

Ok now I am off to write notes back and read favs. Till next till Stay Safe and Stay SexXxy!



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Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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October 2, 2008

I’m with ya on this.If ya want to play on the computer then don’t even bother me. I wonder though if ya look at it from a males perspective in this pic. Is it he really wasn’t in the mood but she was. And he had some kind of deadline to meet she just said then let me just get myself off? Nawwww! lol I think he’s insensitive. 🙂 Big Hugs~

October 2, 2008

That picture kind of says a lot …. the first thought that I had wasn’t about what was actually happening in the picture but it being symbolic to people that cheat, even if only online. Its like you are with someone in a relationship, but still going online (or other places) to get what your relationship is lacking… or just not wanting to be with the person you are with but not telling them.The girl is facing the other way… like she doesn’t know what is going on behind her back. I don’t know lol its just my own little thoughts on that picture. ♥

October 2, 2008

I thank I would kill my boyfriend if he did that.

October 2, 2008

BTW, where did you get this picture?

October 3, 2008

nice laptop.

She should be sitting on his face and he would forget about the laptop. I know I would. RYN: I do live halfway in the country. Corn fields can be really pissers at the intersections for damn sure. Taking pics of a nude gal running down the corn rows is much more fun. You are so nice to leave me notes. I love cocks too, don’t get me wrong. LOL

October 7, 2008

Hi! I just read some of your entries. Very interesting stuff lol. I wanted to add you to my favorites, if that’s fine with you. =] -Kayla

October 11, 2008

I somehow doubt that picture is supposed to represent any real sort of behavior. I don’t know what the joke would be, but I’m guess that’s what this is. That or some sort of commentary on modern life. In any event, I don’t think it supposed to be taken literally at all.