How do you stop guys from getting bored?

how do u stop guys getting bored wen ur with dem. not wen ur avin sex or anyfin. just wen ur wiv dem on ur own and kissin n stuff

I’m not sure if you are just talking about being with him and making out or just being with him anytime. So I will do both ways so that way I answered your question…if I still haven’t then just let me know and I will try to answer it again.

Having your partner being bored is the last thing you want, no matter what you are doing together, though sometimes it does happen. Only thing we can do about it is to try and make it so it doesn’t happen. Though we don’t want to be bored ourselves either; why we make it so are partner isn’t bored.

The best thing to do to make it so you and your partner aren’t bored when you are together is to found out what you both are in to. If you like the same things, great, if not that is ok to. Do things you know your partner would like, even if you wouldn’t like it that much you can still do it for him/her. Then later on you can do something you like to do, maybe your partner likes it maybe he/she doesn’t. When you are with someone you want to make them happy, even if that means you have to not be as happy when doing something you don’t like.

I don’t mean doing something that will hurt you or your relationship. There is a line when it comes to doing things and not doing things. That you have to pick, like say your partner wants to so sky driving, but you really don’t want to do it for your own reasons, then you don’t have to, your partner should understand your wish and not make you do it. He/she could do it themselves why you do something else, or you both can find something else to do.

You want to make it fun for both of you as much as you can. Talk to your partner and find out what he/she likes and you tell them what you like. If you can’t talk to each other then neither one of you can have fun or even a good relationship.

As for making out with your partner

What I said applies here as well, you need to talk to each other, find out what he/she likes or doesn’t like.  Have you talked to your partner about this, see why he is bored. Maybe he/she isn’t in it as much as you think. Could be that he/she is just doing it to make you happy at the time…though I don’t see why they wouldn’t enjoy it themselves.

Have you tried touching him/her why you are kissing? I don’t mean a place you wouldn’t want to, just a place that can help your partner get more in to it. Like the arms, legs, side, chest or someplace. You can always kiss other places without going too far if you don’t want to. Kissing the neck, ear, shoulder, chest anyplace that you think your partner would like, but isn’t going over the limit.

You want your partner to enjoy it, but you want to be enjoying it as well. Making out should be fun for both, not just one. Some say if your not enjoying it them chances are your partner isn’t either, though that isn’t always true. Try different things, see what you both like and don’t like. Talk to each other as well. Heck why you are making out you can talk to each other and see what is good and what isn’t good at the time. That way may help you both out; you may learn something you didn’t know before.

Also, when you are kissing, don’t do just one kind of kiss. Mix it up some…like kiss softly at first, then when you get in to it more, deepen the kiss. You can go back to softly or you can deepen it a bit more. You can kiss slow or fast. Don’t just stay with one thing that will get old and boring after awhile.

I don’t know if this answers your question or not, or how much it will help you. If it doesn’t answer your question let me know and I will try to again. Hope this does help some. Take Care!


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