Having a talk…. or Not….

Ok, what is the point in telling me that you want us to sit down and have a talk about what is going on and see if we can’t make it better, but yet turn around and not say anything at all to the other person who needs to know and ask them if they would do it?

Long story short, Sue told me she wanted Lynn, herself and me to sit down that night and have a talk to see if we can’t work out some things so everyone is not on egde or angry and all that, but yet she doesn’t say anything at all to Lynn when she gets home and so far it has been like 2 days since Sue told me about wanting this talk. I told her ok we will get everyone, the kids and us all together and have a family talk if she wanted to, but nope nothing so far. I don’t think she wants to have this talk, if she did she would have said something about it. Unless she wants me to bring it up but I don’t see why I should, besides it would look better on her end if she would be the one to bring it up.

I do not understand her anymore, not like I did much before, but now she is just I donno…. 

V day was just another day, I could say what I think of it, but right now I don’t want to, I am kind of just wasting time for a few, till I am to leave. I may do it later on or another day, or even next year. lol Who knows with me. Anyway, I am going to put up a vid that I thought was pretty cool and fit the song. So here it is, hope you enjoy it!


Before you ask your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
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February 16, 2009

wait a minute, you don’t think what of yourself? I’m the one with the low self-esteem but that’s only because I don’t have ANY friends except for online and not really even there. I am a lonely boring little man with no life at all to talk about. You would think that I would have lots of stuff to talk about but I don’t. I’m a lonely little man with no life.

February 16, 2009

RYN:It’s a way to express yaself. Look it up on YouTube ya can find a lot of art journals on there. It’s not so much about being good as it is to empty ya brain of ya emotions in the journal. Hope ya have a nice night. Hugs~