Haven’t wanted to do anything with my bf….

My boyfriend and I used to have sex all the time. We had a ver healthy relationship. For the last few months I havent wanted to do anything. Could it be my birthcontrol shot? And if so, is there anything I can do to fix it? I feel really bad for him and hes being so understanding. [~*ThePerfectLove*~]

I looked up the shot and didn’t see anything about it saying a side effect would be not wanting to have sex or anything like that, Here are some side affect that I found online…

Possible negative side effects

  • Irregular periods (heavy periods, no periods, irregular bleeding or spotting)
  • Weight gain
  • Headaches
  • Breast tenderness
  • Depression

Side effects can decrease with time or with the help of your physician

Those with an allergy to Depo-Provera or a history of stroke, blood clots, liver disease or a family history of breast cancer should avoid using this drug.

It doesn’t say anything about not wanting to have sex, so I don’t think that would be the case, I could be wrong though. It could just be that your sex drive is low. I’m not sure how you would go about bring it back up. The only things I found online about sex drive was pills to help it out. I don’t know if you would want to take a pill for your sex drive. You can always look up online and you will see a lot of places to go for that if you wanted to.

The best thing I can you is to go talk to your doctor about it, let him/her know how you are feeling and see if they can tell you if it is your sex drive or maybe even the shot making you not want to have sex. They would be able to tell you more then I can. I hope you helped some. Take Care!


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February 11, 2005

OD is being a pain again, It will let me go to write an entry, but it wont let me write anything now… I will try later on today and see if it will let me write in it again…. stupid OD!

i was having sex with a guy, and it was going great and feeling AMAZING, then all of a sudden he said i got right “dry” down there? what happened? is there something wrong with me?

February 11, 2005

I have the same issue and my doctor told me it could be stress, lack of sleep, or other factors like that although I know ther pill can lower sex drive as well, depending on the brand.

February 11, 2005

Yeah, I know ortho-tricyclin (What i’m on) lowers your sex drive. I don’t know about the shot, though. And to the noter above with the dryness problem, if you’re on the pill too–that’s a side effect. If your not, it may mean that your mind is elsewhere, so your body will stop making lubrication.

Are there other forms of Birth control besides condoms and the pill? I mean, I know there are but I was wondering what they are. My bf and I dont use condoms, just hte pulling out method. I want to make sure I’m safe against pregnancy

February 11, 2005

Geez! The pulling out method is a terrible idea, as pre-cum has sperm in it. There’s plenty of other options, like diaphragms, shots, pills, the female condom, cervical caps, and so on. I know Sex*Goddess has stuff on birth control up already – look through her FAQs.

February 11, 2005

Can you think of any birth control pills that won’t kill me? I almost had a heartattack while on ortho-tricyclen. and all of them have the happy little warning about blood clots and heart attack. That’s my problem. Are there any that are safe for people with a family history of heart/blood pressure/etc issues?

The birth control shot definitely can have an affect on your sex drive. Maybe consider talking to your gynecologist about a birth control method that might not affect you so much.

and doesn’t depression lower your sex drive too? so if depression is a side effect… see where I’m going?