Getting on the pill without parents knowing.

Me and my bf started having sex about a month and a half ago and every time we did it,it was with no condom.I got my period after that so Im not worried.I want to get birth control asap,but I dont want my parents to know Im on it.Im 16 years old and my mom thinks Ima virgin.My question is can I get BC w/out doctors prescribtion,or how can I get it w/out my parents knowing and stuff?Thank you

First off I want to say, just because you got your period after having sex with out a condom or any kind of protection doesn’t mean that you can’t be pregnant. It’s never good to have sex with out some kind of protection. It’s far to easy to get pregnant if you have nothing to stop you from getting that way.

As for wanting to get on the pill without your mom knowing about it, well you are 16, and some states when you are at that age or older you can get it without your parents knowing about it.I don’t know what ones, but if you want to know if you can do it, the easier way to find out is to ask your doctor if your parents have to know about you getting the pill, find out if you can do it without them knowing about it. If you were under than 16 then I don’t think you could get it without your parents knowing, but you are 16 so you may be able to get on the pill without them knowing you are on it.



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go to planned parenthood. they are very discreet about it. even if you are only 16.