Foods to make semen taste better….

thanx. you helped some. it didn’t like really sting my throat….it was just super strong. is there a way to make it less strong? like eating certain foods or something so i could do it more? it kinda detered me from wanting to do that alot b/c it just wasn’t very pleasing for me lol [*confuzled*]

Strong, well I don’t think I have heard about it being strong, but don’t mean it can’t happen. Well I don’t know if this will help or not, but I have posts up about what kinds of food make semen taste better, I think it even has foods that don’t make it as well, but I can’t say for sure, though I will post up the link to them so you don’t have to go looking for them.

What Food Makes Semen Taste Better?
What Makes Semen Taste Better… 2


Working on my FAQ’s Page helps with this, that way I don’t have to look though all my posts as well. 🙂 Anyway, hope this helps. Take Care!


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December 23, 2005
