Embarassed about one boob bigger then the other.

i have very uneven boobs. its very noticable and i am having a hard time letting my boyfriend get intimate with me. i want to, but my boobs embarass me.

any tips on how to get over it and just explain it to him would be very helpful.

thank you.

All women have uneven boobs, some women have it so it isn’t to noticable, others had it where it is noticable, I wouldn’t let it get to you because it is normal for them to be like that. Though I can see where you are coming from to why it’s hard for you to let your boyfriend get intimate with you.

First thing you should do is not let your boobs embarass you at all. As I said it is normal for them to be like they are, so there is no reason to be embarass about them, I’m sure your boyfriend isn’t and likes them very much.

You can always tell him why you won’t let him get intimate with you.I don’t know if he has ever asked you anything about why one is bigger then the other or not, but if he has all you have to tell him is that it is normal. All girls have one better then the other. He may even know this, but if not it can’t help to let him know. He may be able to help you get over being embatassed about it.

I’m not sure what else to say really, I was kind of like this one time in my life, but I just got over it after I found out that it was normal, plus it helped that my boyfriend at the time love to play with mine and didn’t care about one being bigger then the other. Once you get over with them embarassing you things should be ok then.

If anyone else can help this lady out by telling her something to get over being embarassed about this please leave a note. Hope this helps you some. Take Care!


Before you asked your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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January 5, 2007

Interesting! On my Dossier diary I have a picture of Pam Grier and a visitor commented that one boob was bigger than the other. Note that she did not comment that one boob was smaller that the other.

I assure her, the main difference between what boys think about breasts and what girls think about breasts is that Women think that there are no two alike while men think there are no three alike Breasts are wonderful, and secondary to their shape and size is the sense of a woman making herself vulnerable to (me). That is incredible!! ~a guy

i have one boob bigger than the other too, but my boyf scarcely notice it because i always divert his attention elsewhere..by having my hands down his pants or something. dont worry about it, it’s not a big problem anyway. btw, great diary, i learnt loads from here!