Dry Skin above my clitoris

for quite a while i’ve had this patch of dry skin on the area above my clitoris and in my pubic hair line. i’ve tried lotions and creams, but it just seems to irrtate it and cause it to itch. i’m pretty sure its not an std, but i have had a one night stand with a guy. we used protection and all. I’m just not sure what it is, and was wondering if you had any ideas/cures.

I can’t say it is or isn’t a STD, because I don’t know myself. You said you had it for a while, have you ever gone down to your Doctor to see if they know what it may be? The only thing I can think of would be some kind of rash, then again I don’t remember rashes ever just being dry skin with out being red, but I haven’t had many rashes myself to know to much about them.

I really don’t know what it could be, has it gotten bigger over time, or is it still the same size? Did you have it after or before your one night stand? Does it have bumps on or around it, or is it just dry skin? I wish I could help you out, but the best thing I can tell you to do is go see a doctor about it, have them look at it and tell you what it is and how you can treat it. Sorry I couldn’t help you more. Take Care!



Before you asked your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
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