Dripping wet like in sex stories, Can’t Orgasm?

I don’t get dripping wet like it says in sex stories and stuff…why is that? I’m still pretty horney though…Do you think that has something to do with me not being able to orgasm too? I don’t know why that is, but I’ve heard that not being able to is rare so we’re probably just not doing it right. Please help x

Sex stories kind of go over boat at times with how things really are. I’m not saying that it’s all lies, but  stories kind of make it out like all females get turned on just like that and get so that they are ready at the drop of a hat and really it’s not like that. I’m not saying that it takes alot to get a female ready, but it doesn’t just take one look or one touch really, though at times I guess it could, but there is a bit more to that.

Plus not every female can have an orgasm with just intercourse alone; I have said this more then once. There are some females that never have an orgasm with just intercourse and never will, as for others who have had one with just sex alone, but there are more who haven’t then there are who have.  If you can’t have an orgasm with just intercourse, don’t worry about it, it is normal. Just have to keep trying different positions and see what one works best for you to have one. It’s not rare for you not to have an orgasm with just intercourse, I don’t know where you heard that, but it’s not true. Not everyone can have an orgasm with just intercourse alone.

The best ones for this most people say are, Girl on top  (Girl on top 2), and Doggie Style thou that doesn’t mean that you can’t any other way, if you want to try different ones you can go here for more sex positions I have up and see if any of them can help you.

As for not dripping wet like it says in sex stories, I wouldn’t worry about that. You do get wet when you are horny right? Then that’s all that matters. I can’t say that I ever been dripping wet like it says in sex stories, though at times I do get more wet then other times, just depends on how turned on you are at the time to how wet you really get. Just as long as you feel good and like what is happened and it doesn’t hurt you then there is nothing wrong with you. You don’t have to get dripping wet like it says in stories, as I said at the top of this, sex stories kind of go over boat with how things really are when it comes to sex in real life. So don’t think to much about how things are in a stories and just go with what you like and how it feels for you, as long as you aren’t getting hurt and are wet enough to make it feel good for you, then that’s all that matters really, right? Well I hope this helped you, if you need anything else just let me know.

Oh and sorry I didn’t get to this sooner, kind of haven’t been here for a little while. 😀 Take Care and have fun!


Before you asked your question, make sure I haven’t answered it already…
Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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April 21, 2007

Good to see you back. Welcome back. 😀

But it’s not just intercouse I can’t orgasm with…we’ve tried everything I think

April 21, 2007

Ah I see, well try looking throu my site and see if anything on there can help you, I’m sure I have said something before, if you can’t find an answer there then let me know and I will see what I can do to help you more. The addy is the link on my posts plus it’s on my DD. S*G

April 21, 2007

Glad your writing again SexGoddess. You have great information. For the girl that asked the question above. I don’t have clitoral orgasms during intercourse, but I have vaginal. I get a clitoral orgasm through masturbation, or oral sex. Have fun and enjoy. 🙂

i have been dating my boyfriend for almost six months. the sex is great but i would like it to be more rough. i’ve (semi) tried to mention this to him, but i don’t think he takes me seriously. how do i let him know that i want to have a little more fun in the bedroom without hurting his feelings or making things awkward is he isn’t into that sort of thing?

June 14, 2007

wow this cool! ..i feel very fortunate that i AM one of those women who gets wet (and i mean WET) quickly, i always orgasm from penetration alone..very rarely have i ever had to use a lube..that was only because i had a lot of sex in one day..hmm…i’m very lucky.

July 10, 2007

Hey, welcome back! Nice to see ya home again.

July 10, 2007

I have a question for you! I first began to masterbate with your suggested techniques (water, etc) being a horny teenager but still not completely comfortable with myself and hence not utterly eager to go probing around with my fingers. Yet it would appear that, as I’ve grown into myself, it’s impossible for me or my boyfriends of past to actually get me off except for in oral, as acclimated as..

July 10, 2007

I am to this unique sensation. Do you have any tips on how I can re-adjust myself to finding more enjoyment in finger-foreplay? many thanks!