Don’t give a crap anymore!

First off I know I suck at keeping this thing up to date, or even my Xanga. Not like I don’t have things to say, but right now it will be pretty much the same and well not like I would want to keep going on about the same thing over and over…. but in a way I seem to do that anymore, just not everyday so I guess that’s ok…. I don’t know.

This is a Warning, if you don’t like bad language then you may not want to read this because this may have more bad language in this post then any of my other ones. I don’t know for sure now, but how I am feeling yes… anyway….

Sue (my aunt) thinks that Lynn (my sis) is playing games with her, and she is going to show Lynn just how to play games, cos she learned from the best… oh yea sure she did, if you want to count her father, but he was just an ass hole who said one thing to your face and another behind your back… Oh geez who in the hell does that remind me of, my stupid ass aunt! She thinks she is so damn good at being a bitch, shit she don’t know the meaning of it, she don’t want to try and show how the "game" is played cos if she does then she won’t have any of us around to help her when she gets her stupid ass in money trouble once again, and her dumb ass will do that because she doesn’t know how to handle money.

She already lost me in her family, cos once I get out of this fucking house and away from her she will never see me again. Her and her lazy good for nothing fucking son. She says how she is sick of things, well we are all sick of her bitching about every little thing, not speaking her mind before hand, just bitches under her breath, wanting someone to call her on it so she can bitch to us and poor Sue don’t get what she wants, because we keep our mouths shut and let her bitch. Though it is getting damn hard to keep my mouth shut anymore. Today she just would not shut up… all fucking morning she has been bitching. Hell she even call Rob (my bro) up and told him that she is sick of this and how she wants us out by the end of th month… though he talked her out of doing that…. all this bitching was over her not being able to use the car to go get boxes, because Lynn told her she doesn’t put gas in the car…(this is what Sue was yelling, I don’t know for sure what was said I wasn’t there)

Come the fuck on, she is a grown ass woman but yet she lies and doesn’t remember crap. She keeps saying how she used the car only twice this month, Bullshit! I even know that she used it more then that, but yet she has to may it out like we are the bad guys ganging up on her and making her life a living hell…. Oh please! Get a clue women, you make your own life hell by being who you are and bitching at everything!!! There are far and few days when she doesn’t bitch about something during the day or morning or even getting pissy at night and going in her room. I love it when she is in her room all day long, it’s nice and quite! No yelling, No bitching, No wanting to kill my aunt! It’s bad when you don’t want to be around a family matter… family is something you should love no matter what, want to help no matter what… fuck not with her anymore for me at least. I don’t know about everyone else, but if she reallys wants to go down the road she was saying today then she will found out just who side Rob is really on, and when she sees whos, she will not be happy. Rob loves Sue, but he won’t pick her over me and Lynn, he already told of that. (more or less)

I am just sick of her crap, I just don’t give a fuck anymore. Once I get out of here with Lynn and I can get a job and my own place, if she ever needs help, she better never come to me, cos I don’t give a fuck anymore I’m not helping someone who doesn’t want me around and who is going to show how the game is played… she don’t know how to play this game, she will lose big time if she pushs to much, that much I do fucking know.

Well I think I should get going now, there is more I can say, but this is good enough. I hope everyone is doing well. Take care all!



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April 9, 2009

People like that live in their own little hell. They are miserable and want everyone around them miserable too. Sorry you have to put up with it. Hugs, Tonya

April 11, 2009

i agree with Tonya. she is toxic and you should leave as soon as you can! *hugs*

April 15, 2009

Ugh. That sucks to be at odds with someone you’re reliant on. There are so many conflicting emotions.