Doesn’t feel like Christmas



Wow, I am writing in here once again…. Yes I know I have been lacking, but I just haven’t had much to say, well good to say… and as for the other kinds of posts, don’t know about them just haven’t been to OD for some reason till now.

Christmas is almost here and it doesn’t  even feel like it. Not sure why it doesn’t, could be the way things are in the house, or it could just be that from time to time it hasn’t felt like Christmas to me for a while now. Oh well I’m not going to sit and wondering why it doesn’t feel like Christmas, there is no point in it.

The good thing is Jay is coming home for Christmas, we just don’t know when he is. We are waiting on him to call us and let us know when he will be coming home. I can’t wait to see him again. Even though he hasn’t been in the army that long, he still has changed, though he is still the same old Jay.

Nothing to really say in this post, just thought I would update on here for some reason. Oh I still want to shoot Sue, or do something to her, but haven’t and won’t, but don’t mean I don’t want to… or thought about it…. Ah life just don’t want to live it sometimes, but not always to change things.

Well I think I shall go before I just babble on about nothing at all, or something…. I don’t think people want to read babble, though I guess at times it can be funny, and even more funny if you know the person who is doing the babbling… or is that just me? I donno, but I shall shut up now and get going. Hope everyone is well.

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December 20, 2008

I agree that it doesn’t feel like Christmas and I don’t really know why either. Oh well. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend. *Hugs*