Depression and Sex Drive

and doesn’t depression lower your sex drive too? so if depression is a side effect… see where I’m going?

I thought I would look this up and post something on it, just so people know for sure… So here is what I found….

Loss of sex drive is a classic symptom of depression. About 75% of depressed individuals report it.

Of the other 25%, most report no change in libido, and some experience unusually intense sex drive. But typically, people who are depressed lose their libido.

However, depressed individuals generally regret their loss of libido and miss sex. Researchers have asked depressed and nondepressed people: How important is a good sex life to you? About 70% of both groups reply: very. In other words, people who are depressed value sex, but the disease prevents them from enjoying it.

Once depression clears up, sexuality usually returns to normal.

As if loss of libido is not bad enough, many antidepressant medications aggravate this problem:
Decreased libido: MAO inhibitors, tricyclics, tetracyclics, SSRIs

Erection impairment: MAO inhibitors, tricyclics, tetracyclics, SSRIs

Ejaculation impairment: MAO inhibitors, tricyclics, tetracyclics, SSRIs, Desyrel

Orgasm loss or delay (men and women): MAO inhibitors, tricyclics, SSRIs, Effexor

Currently, the SSRIs (Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and Celexa) are among the most widely prescribed antidepressants. They have caused sexual impairment in some 40 to 50 percent of those who use them.

On the other hand, Wellbutrin and Serzone may cause very few sex problems.

If you believe that your medication is causing sex problems, don’t suffer in silence. Call your doctor and discuss this issue.

There are several ways to deal with the sexual side effects of antidepressants:

Dose reduction. Some people experience improvement in sexual function, but no loss of mood elevation when they take a lower dose of their medication.

Changing medication. Your doctor might change your medication from a drug with a large risk of sexual impairment to one with a small risk.

Drug holidays. Under your physician’s supervision, you might stop taking your drug from time to time for romantic weekends, for example, from Thursday to Sunday.

Antidotes. Additional medications may be prescribed to counter sexual side effects to help produce erection in men suffering impairment due to antidepressants. -Where I got the Info….

More on The Pill and Sex Drive,,5krs,00.html?arrivalSA=1&cobrandRef=0&arrival_freqCap=2


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This isn’t a sex question as such But I’m generally a very horny person Though recently (after a somewhat devastating few months full of the most intense sh!t and dissapointments) I haven’t wanted sex as much, nor have I realy enjoyed it when I got it and just kind of wanted it over with, doing it more for my gf’s sake than my own ?Could this mean I’m depressed…

^ i have the same problem as the above noter. i just dont feel like it anymore and when i get it i dont enjoy it as much.

Me and my fiance are wonderful and we have sex, and it feels amazing, but he always gets done way before I’m even close to an orgasm. Usually my legs are wrapped around his neck and he has to go hard for it to feel really good. He feels like he isn’t good enough for me. Whats wrong w/ me?

December 9, 2005

i feel the need to have sex more when im depressed maybe its because the guy i love makes me depressed because i dont have him and never will *sorry for the emotional break down*