Could I be a Daddy??

umm ok it sounds like something i was going to ask. me and my girlfriend were screwing a few weeks ago. and i never have a orgazm in her or on her. i pull it out befor i do.
is there some way i could have leaked some sperm out but not feel anything of the gewyness ooz out?
me and her are kinda freaked because its almost the end of the month and she hasnt had her periade yet. please help!

First off NEVER do the pull-out method, that is not a way to go if you don’t want to have kids. Just because you pull out before you cum inside her DOES NOT mean you are safe. A woman can still get pregnant by Pre-ejaculate (pre-cum), because it does contain sperm in it.  

Yes there is a chance you could have Pre-ejaculated and not know you did, there are times guy say that they can’t tell if they have or not, because they don’t feel it. You won’t always feel the pre-cum come out, this is why you always use some kind of Birth Control.

I think she needs to get a pregnancy test and see what it says, cos you could become a daddy sooner then you may have wanted to.  Take Care!


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A friend of mine said that he could tell if a girl has had sex by looking at her hips. Can you really tell if a girl has had sex just by looking at her hips? like if they spread or anything??

Girls’ hips spread as they go through puberty so that when they are able to become pregnant their hips can withstand the force of the baby during labor. No, you can’t tell if they’ve had sex or not. The only thing that could possibly tell you that is from the girl saying that she has or hasn’t. The hymen can break on its own and hip spreading is part of growth.

How long does it usually take for a guy to cum? Is it normal for a guy never to cum during foreplay or sex even though he can cum when masturbating? Also, when shaving the bikini line do u need to trim the other hair so its shorter or is it ok just to shave the edges? Sorry for the large amount of questions in one message! Thanks!

so, i’m on BC but last cycle i wasn’t taking it at the same time every night. this BC cycle my period started the begining of the 3rd week of pills. i forgot to take the pill for 3 nights before that. could missing the pills have cause me to start my period mid cycle? could i have been preggo? please. i don’t know what to do.

do you give dating advice> if you do i have a question. i like this guy and he knows i like him. last year we were friends this year we dont talk. im in love with this guy and i want him to be my boy friend what should i do? if i start hanging out with him he might think im trying to ask him out. even if i was his friend i would be the happiest person in the world. (continued)

(continued) is it possible that we could be friends (maybe more) because i really love ive never met someone so comfortable with himself or someone so goofy. what should i do?

January 24, 2006

i noticed the persons note above mine and im in a pickle like her. i like a guy named zach and we’re friends and we talk everyday. should i tell him how i feel and ruin what we have. or should i risk what we have but then he’ll know how i really feel

hello, this is the same person from 2 notes above that asked what should i do about the guy i like. i also feel that im not good enough for him but i really love him so could you please help me. thanks love, Blacky

January 25, 2006

dang it! i keep screwing up this note (and the note who first asked for dating advice) is from me

January 25, 2006

I can answer the BC question, because that’s happened to me. If you don’t take the pills at the same time of day everyday, (especially if you miss that many) it messes with your hormones. I made the mistake of taking my pills at random times one month and had my period for weeks 3 AND 4. It sucked! Be sure to be consistent, & it won’t happen again. But you may want to see your doc, just in case.

To the BC pills question: It doesn’t matter if you take them the exact same time every night, it can vary a few hours. Actually, if you even just miss one pill you’re safe. But any more than one (especially three) will give you your period. Your body is programed to ovulate the second the hormones telling it not to (the hormones in the pill) stops. SO yes, you could be preggo, and that is why

you had your period. You should always use a condom, not only because if you miss pills they don’t protect you at all, but for STDs. IF you missed pills and had your period, then no, you’re not pregnant because you had your period, but if you even miss more than one pill again and have sex you could be pregnant. And if you have questions, READ THE PILL INSTRUCTIONS.

but if you ever**

But I always take my pills within a three hour period every night and I’ve never had any problems with having my period too soon. I would say just make sure you take them within the same period, like, between 7 and 9 every night.