Cock Ring


Yes. Please explain this.

I do have a post up on this, but I still can’t seem to find it, but anyway….

I thought I would just post what I found online, it is good detail.

What is a cock ring?

A cock ring (also referred to as an erection ring or a penis ring) is simply a device worn around the base of the penis shaft during sexual intercourse.

While researching this topic, I was amazed to discover how many different types of cock rings there were! There are literally hundreds of different shapes, styles, materials and colors available for cock rings – so many in fact that it’s absolutely mind-boggling.

But ultimately, they all are intended to serve the same general purpose… which leads us to the next question I commonly receive:

What exactly do cock rings do?

This is a good question, considering that most sites and catalogs which sell cock rings are rather vague about the purpose of the cock ring itself.

But here is how a cock ring basically works:

When a man achieves an erection, he places a cock ring around the base of his penis shaft in order to limit amount of blood lost from the penis. As you may know, an erection occurs when the penis fills with blood, so in order to help maintain a full, firm erection, a man can use a cock ring to help hold the blood in the penis. The benefit of this is that it allows a man to retain his full erection during sexual intercourse, providing the maximum amount of pleasure to his partner as well as himself.

A secondary benefit of the cock ring is that the added pressure around the base of the penis shaft helps prolong sex by preventing the man from ejaculating too quickly.

As a result, a man who uses a cock ring will not only be larger and firmer throughout the duration of intercourse, but he will be able to last much longer than usual as well.

Now after reading this you may wonder, is it safe to wear a cock ring?

And if so, does it hurt?

First of all, yes it is perfectly safe to use a quality cock ring. The amount of pressure it applies to the penis shaft does not harm the penis in any way, as it still allows some blood to pass through the penis shaft. Furthermore, most cock rings are very comfortable and do not reduce the pleasures of sex at all; however, it is important that you use a quality cock ring made of a soft, pliable material.

I have been using cock rings for years and I own several different types. Let me tell you, they really do work. I personally enjoy using a cock ring and I find it to be a welcome addition to sex.

Not only does a cock ring help me to last longer, but it definitely keeps me much harder than normal. Plus, as an added bonus, I find that my orgasms are much more forceful and intense when I use a cock ring, which is a great feeling!

Some guys also ask, should I take it off before I ejaculate?

The answer is yes. A cock ring should be removed before you want to ejaculate. I can tell you from personal experience that the sensations you receive after removing a cock ring and letting loose are absolutely incredible. They are some of the most intense and longest-lasting orgasms I have ever experienced.

I realize that a lot of guys may be hesitant to try a cock ring if they’ve never used one before, just as I was before I tried one for the very first time. But the way I see it, if there exists something that is not only safe and easy to use, but will also make sex that much better, then why not give it a try?

I personally believe that times are changing, and that people are becoming more open to new sexual ideas all the time. Perhaps the internet and the free access of information it provides has something to do with it. I don’t have all the answers, but I believe that the stigma once associated with sex toys and sexual enhancement products is breaking down, and both men and women are now becoming much more willing to experiment with new devices and other products to improve their love life.

Because of this, I think that the information on this page is very important for all men, since it can be the first small step towards improving their sexual fulfillment.

There is more on this site if you wish to read it as well…. Hope this helps. Take Care!


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March 6, 2005

Well then…guess im just gonna have to give this a try! 😉

my friend is constantly complaining about her boyfriend and how unsatisfying sex is for her. she bought a package of cockrings and tried a couple, and she claims they did nothing. she’s scared to have him use a smaller size than they’ve tried because she doesn’t want him to get hurt. any advice? i’m sick of hearing her complain, and I’ve run out of suggestions for her.

I’ve read (and I’m a sex toys perv myself, so I feel well read on the subject) that you should wear cock rings with an “emergency escape” option so to speak, because of varying penis thicknesses and ring sizes could result in scary pain, and then you have to wait for things to shrink to get it off.

March 7, 2005

I just wanted to say I think its great that you help answer people’s questions that they’ve got. You should be proud of yourself.

my question never got answered, i like my dog lick my pussy is this safe? if it is, can i have sex with him too?

i find it funny how you talk about owning a cockring and then sign off as sex goddess…

I’ve read somewhere that men with blood clotting problems shouldn’t use cock rings. Is there much truth to this? Know anything about it?

my BF & i are on a little break right now, things are not bad or anything & we are still together but i am SO horny i cant take it, nothing seems to work what can i do! please help before i go insane!!!

March 7, 2005

To the person who said about ‘owning a cockring and signing off as sex goddess’- I think she just copy/pasted the information from the website she found.

last night as i was doing it with my bf he was playing with the area between my a** and my P*ssy it made me want to have anal with him . but i am scared to becouse i dont know if it would hurt or not after i found out that he had stuck 2 inches of him inside my but well i want to have anal but i dont know if i can HELP i need some advice . it turns me on but im afriad it may really hurt. does it ?

March 11, 2005

I truly adore your diary front page …

hi umm my question about the whole anal sex thing hasnt been answered yet ,,, may i ask why … lol or have u fallen behind with ur requests?

September 8, 2005

Just happened onto you via Reader’s Choice. Just curious, what are your qualifications to be the Dr. Ruth of OD?