Can’t Orgasm, plus Lube.

I read all of your entries on orgasms on your FAQs page, but they’re all for people who have already had sex. My boyfriend and I are both 17. We are both still virgins and neither of us is ready to have sex, but we have done just about everything else; fingering, hand jobs, and oral. However, I have never had an orgasm. Not with him or anyone else. We’ve tried different things, but nothing works (con’t)What he does is definitely pleasurable, because there are times when he’s driving me wild and I feel an orgasm coming on and then it just doesn’t happen. I heard I may be thinking about it too much, but I don’t think that’s the case. Any advice? Also, if you know of any good lubes we can use together, can you post some? Thanks!

Thinking about it to much yes that will make it so you don’t have one, it could be that you are, or in the back of your mind you are. You are worried about having one that you don’t. What he does may feel pleasureable, but it could also be that when you start to feel an orgasm come on he may change what he is doing, making it so you don’t have one. This does happen, one of my ex’s use to do that alot, till I got to where I would tell him don’t stop or stay there or something, that way he knew I was going to have one and he wouldn’t move from where he was at or stop what he was doing. There are some females who can’t have an orgasm as well, but since you get close to one, I don’t think you are one of them. You can also try giving yourself one, see if you can give yourself one, and if you can you will know more of what you like and how you can get one, so you can tell him when he does things to you.

As for Lube, there are alot of lubes out there…There is Astroglide, KY-Jelly, Liquid Silk, Elbow Grease, Flavored Lubes, There are a lot…Here is a link that has the ones I names plus some more. Hope this helps. Take Care!


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Hi, think I would have added a reference to this girl’s age. She would in fact be very lucky if she could have any type of an orgasm, as so many females never experience one and most others only get there with age. I don’t think she can solve the problem like a Rubik’s Cube in the near future. It will happen when she is more deeply relaxed than she can fathom. mindsetofajohn