Can’t Cum from Blowjobs or Sex…Why?

How long does it usually take for a guy to cum? Is it normal for a guy never to cum during foreplay or sex even though he can cum when masturbating? Also, when shaving the bikini line do u need to trim the other hair so its shorter or is it ok just to shave the edges? Sorry for the large amount of questions in one message! Thanks!

How long does it usually take for a guy to cum?

This depends on what is being done to him. Guys can hold out longer when they are getting a blow job then when they are having sex. I don’t know for sure how long it usually takes for them to cum, but when having sex it doesn’t take to long, unless they know how to hold out longer then most guys. It really depends on the guy and how long he can hold out before cumming, but even guys who can hold out can’t hold out that long.

Is it normal for a guy never to cum during foreplay or sex even though he can cum when masturbating?

Sometimes guys don’t get off from blowjobs, some guys do. I read that receiving oral sex is very similar to getting a massage – you sit back, and let her make you feel good. Unfortunately, at times they relax a little TOO much, and their mind starts to wander, and they don’t concentrate on the pleasure that they are receiving. Sometimes they can actually lose their erection. If their mind wonders then they will be less in the mood and aroused and in the end they won’t cum.

Some people can cum just as soon as a hand touches them; others need to go about 30 mins before they can cum. Some people even need it to be more rough then genital.  Another reason could be that he is stressed out. Also masturbating to much can make it so he can’t get off with a blowjob. Also there is how good you are at giving a blowjob as well.

As for sex, no it isn’t normal for him not to cum that way. It does happen, but not too often to be normal, I guess that’s the best way to put it. Normally girls are the ones that don’t cum when having sex, but once in a while it does happen to guys.

Masturbating is the only way he can cum, well I think what you should try doing is mix it up a bit. Like have him masturbate why you are doing foreplay, but don’t let him cum why he is doing that, you can help him masturbate as well, so instead of just his hand on his cock yours is on it as well. One he gets really in to it and gets close to cumming you can get on top of him and let him go over the edge inside you. I can’t say this will work for sure, but it can’t hurt to try. Now you may not get much out of this at first, but it could help him.

You can also try both of you masturbating him just like before, but instead of getting on top of him you can give him a blow job, use your hand and your mouth why you give him it. Can also try having him not masturbate at all for about a week or so and then try having sex and see if he can cum that time.

I can’t say why he can only cum when masturbating, I do know that it will take some time for him to be able to cum without him having to masturbate, he just has to try little by little to get it so he can cum other ways. Have you two ever talked about this, talked about if you are being to soft when doing things to him, or hard not hard enough and so on. Maybe if you talked about it you would have a better understanding of what is going on and why it is. 

Also, when shaving the bikini line do u need to trim the other hair so its shorter or is it ok just to shave the edges?

This link should help you with this question Shaving Bikini Area 

when i give my boyfriend head he never has an orgasm. he says that it feels really good and he gets so close but can’t orgasm and that he has never had an orgasm through oral sex. is it possible for a guy not to get off on getting head or am i doing something wrong? we haven’t had sex yet b/c im worried he won’t have an orgasm, how can i make oral sex good for him since im not ready for sex?

Your question is pretty much the same as the one before, then again it’s not, though I think this post will help you, if you still need help with this just let me know. You can also read my posts on blowjobs, some of them may help you out as well.

Hope this helps, sorry it is so late. Take Care!


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