Boyfriend keeps pushing till I cave….

what should i do if my boy and i just had sex, and then he wants it again, and i say no, and he keeps asking until i cave?
espessally after a talk that i’m afraid that this is all our relationship is about now?

First off your boyfriend shouldn’t keep asking you to have sex again till you cave, that isn’t right. That doesn’t say alot about him and his feelings for you. I don’t know how he feels for you or you for him, but I do know that if you are with someone you don’t keep going till they cave in. If he loves you and wants more out of your relationship then he wouldn’t just want sex, and he wouldn’t keep asking you till you cave in. He should know that No means No, and he should know that he shouldn’t keep it up till you give in knowing you didn’t want to in the first place. (I hope that made sense there) What I mean is, once you say no, then that should be it. No one should keep asking and all till you give in to what they want.

I may not know everything there is to know, but I do know that a relationship has to be 50/50. You have to know how to talk to each other, listen to one another, take each others feelings in and know that it isn’t always going to be your way, you have to give a little, but you also have to think of your feelings as well and your partner should think of your feelings and take them in. 50/50 means both partners are in it, both say there feelings and both listen to those feelings. It’s not just a one way relationship.

Your boyfriends needs to get that in his head. I don’t know if all he wants out of your relationship is sex, but if he can’t take the time to think about your feelings and what you want and don’t want then maybe all he is in the relationship for is sex. You may want to talk to him about this. Tell him what you think and how you feel about what he does. Maybe he doesn’t just want sex out of your relationship, but the only way you will know is if you talk to him about it. The way it sounds to me that is what he wants, but I don’t know everything there is about you and your boyfriend.

It could just be this is how he shows how he feels, some people don’t know how to open up and tell there pertner how they feel, so they show them how they feel this way. There are alot of ways to show and tell someone how you feel, but maybe he doesn’t know them, or doesn’t know how to show the other ones and tell you how he feels. I’m just trying to give you something more that it could be, I can’t say for sure this is it or if all he really wants is sex. That you will have to find out by talking to him.

If you can’t talk to him about this or anything else, then your relationship isn’t going to go to far anyway, people need to know how to talk to one another in a relationship. He may not want to talk about it, but just keep asking him different questions to found out how he really feels. Let him know how you feel as well and what you have been thinking. If you still aren’t sure then maybe you should stop having sex all together with him and see what happens then. I hope this helps you out some and I wish you the best of luck. If you need anything else, just let me know. Take Care!


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March 7, 2005

Make it clear that NO means NO. Don’t cave in. It’s coercion. If it becomes too much of a problem, it’s likely that you could press charges of criminal sexual conduct if you wish. Don’t stay in a relationship if you’re being pressured like that to have sex.