Beds are good!

I’m sleeply, but it’s still to earily to get to bed. So I am sitting here being bored out of my mind because I don’t think of anything to do, plus I feel as though I am about to fall asleep any minute now. More then likely by the time I do get to bed I am going to be more awake then I am now and not be able to get to sleep. What the heck is the point of getting your 2nd wind when you are going to bed? That does not help anything out at all!  Or does this just only happen to me, I don’t know I never really tried to see about it.

I am so thinking about watching Bleach subbed, cos dubbed is just taking so long cos I have to wait once a week to watch it and I know I can watch it online subbed and get farther then where I am now with the dubbed, but reading why I am watching it when I don’t have to doesn’t sound that good to me…Also my nephew watches it with me so… More then likely I will just wait and watch it once a week.

I don’t really know what to say in here, I could go on more about my aunt, but that can only go so far with out no one wanting to hear about her, or even me wanting to talk about her, and right now nothing really have changed, and there is always more I could say that I haven’t, but just don’t want to cos well what’s the point? I do hope that made sense cos to me it did, but I know what I am saying and plus I am tried so it could make sense to me and not really make sense at all. Right?

This is a post that seem to have no point to it at all really… not like I never did posts like this, I just don’t think I have on this OD before, but oh well I have now if I haven’t before and it just lets you all know that I am just plan weird! lol

I guess I shall go read my notes and see what people have said to me, and maybe even read some favs after I reply back to notes if need be. So till next time, be safe and take care!


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February 12, 2009

RYN:Have ya ever thought about artistic journaling? It’s an easy process and I think ya could benefit from it with all the stress of ya aunt hun. As for ya saying my girl doesn’t need any hair. Ya may be right! I so love her face! I can invision her with an afro but I can’t see her with any other hairstyle. I wanted her to be a natural beauty and ya may have hit the nail on the head. She doens’t..

February 12, 2009

it. I will take a pic of her and post it tomorrow for ya to see. I may do just that color her skin tone in and leave her. Thanks for the insight. I hope ya night is wonderful. And I too get that second wind before bed.That’s why I do my art work. lol BIGGEST HUGS~

February 13, 2009

Subs are superior. I’ve been watching subs since I got into anime just over 10 years ago, and it’s not as distracting as you might think. Plus the Japanese voice actors are simply far superior in quality of voice inflection and emotion in comparison to the English ones. It doesn’t matter that you can’t understand what they say, because the way they say it is just that much better.