Bedroom Games

These are from different sites, I just put them together. I do have another site with some games as well, but I will post that one up later. Have fun!

Ear Candy

Did you know that your man’s ears can be one of his most sensitive erogenous zones? It’s true ‑- and it can work in your favor (your sexual favor, natch). Steal your man’s iPod and download some erotic short stories onto it. Tell him you’ve got something special for him to listen to at the end of this long, hard day (emphasis on long and hard), then hand him the cued-up iPod. On his way home from the office, call his cell to make sure he is doing his "homework." Then casually mention that you’re listening to the same story right this second ‑- and touching yourself. He’ll be so eager to get home, it will be a miracle if he doesn’t get a speeding ticket. Once he finally arrives, reenact the sexy Pod-nographic stories together. The rest of the night will be music to both your ears!

Lights Out

Bring two flashlights to bed and turn out all the lights. Hand your lover a flashlight and ask him to illuminate the parts of his body that he’d most like you to lick. Tell him to shine the spotlight on you as you lick them, so he doesn’t miss watching a single minute of the action. Then shine your flashlight on your moan zones you’d like him to kiss and nibble, too. And when you make love, point the seductive spotlights down south so you don’t miss a second of the penetrating action. Talk about shedding some light…

Driving Miss Diva

In this game, you’re in control. Tell him he’s going to be your chauffeur for the evening ‑- if you’re really feeling brave, even tell him to wear black pants and a white dress shirt. Climb into the backseat and tell him to chauffeur you to a sex shop. Make him wait in the car with the engine running while you run in and buy yourself a new vibe. Slip it into your purse so he can’t see your new purchase. No matter how much he begs you to show him, don’t! Next, go out for a drink, and tease him about your naughty purchase. Can he guess what it is? On your way home, break out your new toy and pleasure yourself with it in the backseat. Give him a play-by-play on how good it feels. Then once you get home, grab him and go primal. Shag like rock stars. Make history.

Eat your meal like sex

Prepare a dinner date at home and make some food that you can eat with your hands. Some suggestions for sexy food include mussels, oysters, fruit, vegetables, and chocolate fondue.

When you eat each morsel, lick it all around first, then suck it; show her what you will be doing to her body later on that evening. Get her to do the same.
Note: Don’t eat too much or you’ll be too full to enjoy sex.

Play strip poker

Each of you gets to wear no more than six pieces of clothing. Then, with each hand that’s dealt, the loser must remove a piece of clothing. The build up of sexual tension will be awesome.

Once you’re both naked, or almost naked, you can start playing poker for sexual favors.
Note: If applicable, remove your socks first when you lose. There’s almost nothing funnier-looking than a naked guy with socks on. I found that out the hard way.

Describe a look she must fulfill

If you’ve always wanted her to look like a hooker, a schoolgirl or even a nurse, now’s your chance to get her to dress like one. Of course, she must act like whichever character she’s dressed up as.

Also, she gets to have you dress up eventually, so prepare to be anyone from a fireman to a massage therapist, and be prepared to fulfill her nastiest fantasy. Of course, you should get to make the initial request so you can set the stage, then allow her to feel free to request anything of you.

Write messages on her back

One of the cheapest and most interesting games a couple can play involves you tickling her back while trying to convey a sexual message that she must make out. Now, if she guesses what you’re writing correctly, she gets to request any sexual favor. And if she gets it wrong, you can ask for hours and hours of whatever it is you wrote.

Use your fingers to write something like "Kiss my penis" on her back. She can only request that you repeat a letter once. If she can’t get it, then you will, if you know what I mean.

Switch traits

The next time you want her to take more of a leadership role in bed, ask her to be you and you can be her amid foreplay. That way, she can be the aggressor and, who knows, she might really enjoy it.

She’ll have to initiate the sex and take control of the scene, especially if that’s always your job.


An exciting way to bring sexual experimentation into your life; every one wins a prize.

You’ll Need: Pen and a sheet of paper, a container (large jar, old hat etc) and a filthy mind.

To Play: Fold your paper in half length ways, and cut in half, then cut each half into six equal strips. Each partner should then have six pieces of paper on which to write specific examples of sex acts, fantasies or other activities they’d like to try. Perhaps you’d nominate a long-wished-for role-playing fantasy, or a new position you’ve been aching to try? You might like to write down the name of a prop or accessory you’d like to introduce to the bedroom? Write down your most erotic requests, fold the strip of paper in half and add to the container. The aim of this naughty game is to create a stash of inventive sexual encounters that can be drawn out at random and performed as a weekly treat, or as a reward for good (or bad) behavior.


Make exploring each others bodies erotic and tasty with this delicious game of seduction.

You’ll Need: A blindfold, and a selection of soft, sticky edible treats — chocolate sauce, jam, whipped cream, peanut butter, whatever you fancy.

To Play: Blindfold your partner and lead them into the bedroom. Have them take a seat on the end of the bed. No peeking. Now, using your selection of spreadable foodstuffs, carefully apply a different taste sensation to a different body part. Try dabbing honey on one nipple, jam on the other; trace your lips with maple syrup or add a dollop of whipped cream to your belly button. Once you’ve assembled your smorgasbord, lie down on the bed and invite your blindfolded lover to dine, using only their tongue to explore the menu. When your partner has successfully located all the food rewards, swap roles so that they too can feast on the erogenous picnic.



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Sex*Goddess’s Guide

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March 9, 2007

Oh now these can be fun, though you can still spice them up as well… I think I have to try some of these. 😀